Threshold Conversation

A few weeks ago I read a great book, Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus, by Sherry A. Weddell.  There is a general review on my blog.  I would like to focus on one part of the…

“I think I want to be a Buddhist”

I had an interesting experience the other day with a young man in the eighth grade.  His mom had been trying on and off all school year to get him to come to class for Confirmation with no success.  I…

A Seven Sacraments Lesson

Every few months we have all our families involved in religious education classes come together for Family Faith and Fun.  This is an activity for that group which can be modified for your group, class or family; the group I work with…

3rd Grade Evangelization

A mom relayed this story to me about her son’s evangelization plan.  After Mass he told his mom he had a great idea on how to use the flyers from children’s liturgy. He would take them and make them into…

Mary’s Yes and Mine

I wonder what Mary thought about the gifts the Magi brought, which were odd for a baby, but not so odd for the Savior of the world. Did Mary know what they foretold or did she just accept them graciously…

Christmas Eve

T’was the night before Christmas, when deep in my soul I felt such a peace, not even a worry. The manger was set, the tree lights twinkled Knowing Jesus would soon be here The faithful were sure the Son would…

Good for the Soul

For many people confessing our faults to anyone else is not easy.  We fear looking bad or what others will think about us.  It also makes us very vulnerable to tell our failings to another person.  Yet the sacrament of…

Faith and the Gospel of Mark

This Year of Faith began while we were reading the Gospel of Mark most Sundays.  To help me rediscover faith, I took a look at faith through that Gospel. Our faith grows as we learn more about the person of…


I live in the land of year-round yard work.  And sometimes it gets old. Last weekend the dead marigolds on one side and the weeds choking my rose bush on the other demanded attention.  First stop, Home Depot Garden Center. …

As the Seasons Change: The Church Year

As a south Florida resident for over twenty five years the change of seasons passes me by with little notice.  This past week I was in New York and Connecticut and I remember how much I loved fall: the leaves,…