
A new year brings with it a chance to reflect on what went well in the past and what can be better in the future.  If our goal is to evangelize our culture, how can we do it better than…

Evangelizing with St. Nicholas

One of the challenges in the parish where I work is families seeing the value in coming together with other families and doing something for others.   I have tried a few things in the past and they were not very…

The Immaculate Conception

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. When I ask the question, “What is the Immaculate Conception?” to groups of children, teens, and even adults the first answer is without fail, “When Mary conceived Jesus.”  The crestfallen look…

Advent as Evangelization

Many of us may look with disdain at the over commercialization of Christmas, at the way in which the true meaning of the season has been pushed aside or almost forgotten.  As I drive to and from work each day…

Small Things; Great Love

Just as each person’s faith is lived out in a way that is uniquely theirs, so to our evangelization efforts.  Since I work in a parish as a full-time employee I have many opportunities to spread the Word; indeed, that…

Evangelization Frustration

I spend many hours thinking about parish programs, how to invite people to them and how to make the programs interesting.  I want to give people what they want and need.  But more and more, people confuse me and leave…

Be Prepared to Share the Truth

I had an odd experience the other evening at a program in church.  The topic was Moral Decision Making and was led by the pastor. Things were moving along quite nicely and we were getting ready to tend the discussion…

Sometimes You Have to Say No

Last week we began faith formation classes at St. Edward, where I serve as program director, it was a bit noisy and busy as the families filed into the hall after Mass, found their child’s catechist, and visited with friends….

Are We a Welcoming Parish?

I’ve been thinking about how easy we make it (or don’t) for people who want to be a part of our Church and for those who are current parishioners. I blame a few recent posts here (RCIA: Rolling Out the Red Carpet and Are…

Evangelization takes time

My grandmother was an immigrant from the mountains of Italy, in a very small town, more likely a village, near Turin.  Her father left and went to New York to earn money so the rest of the family could join…