Catechesis: To Echo

In the last few years I have noticed more DVD or computer-based programs available for religious education programs.  This year, there are three big ones out there for confirmation prep.  I am using one for our confirmation program.  And while…

Historical Sites of Our Faith

As a cradle Catholic  the age of the Catholic Church is not something I thought about until I began working with people who were joining the Church.  On an intellectual level I know that as a Church we have been…

Evangelical Catholicism: It’s Our Mission

This is the last installment of the ten traits of Evangelical Catholic from George Weigel’s book, Evangelical Catholicism. Previous posts here, here, here, and here. Trait nine reminds us that it is necessary to know and understand biblical language and images. The language of…

Evangelical Catholicism: Giving Me My Marching Orders

I’m continuing the discussion on this great book by George Weigel. Previous posts here, here, and here. The sixth trait Weigel discusses is the Bible and how it is to be studied and used in our everyday life. “Evangelical Catholicism…

Conversion and Liturgy

Continuing the discussion on Evangelical Catholicism by George Weigel… Metanoia conversion is the point of the fourth characteristic of Evangelical Catholicism. We are not called to a one-time awakening, but rather a “constant conversion of life, which involves both the…

Seeking Truth and Sacraments

I am continuing my discussion of Evangelical Catholicism by George Weigel. Previous post is here. The second characteristic Weigel lists is, “Evangelical Catholicism affirms divine revelation and embraces its authority, which continues through history in the teaching authority of the…

God is Mercy

This Lent I gave up reading fiction and am focusing on Catholic books that have been on my to read list for  many months.  The first book I choose is Evangelical Catholicism, by George Weigel.  I’ve read a few of…

We Are the Sowers

Our parish has a middle school youth group called EDGE.  It is a LifeTeen program that eight other adults join me in running. We meet every Monday evening to share the faith with about 70 sixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders. It’s…

Practical Parent Evangelization

By nature I am a practical person in most aspects of my life.  When it is time for parent meetings to go over the reception of sacraments I use that as an opportunity to teach the parents as well.  Why…

Digital Discipleship Bootcamp

Back in June, 2013 I wrote a post about a class I was taking called Digital Discipleship Boot Camp.  I have since completed the course and will now have the pleasure of interning with the intention to eventually be a…