Because life happens

And sometimes it seems to be happening at a surprisingly fast clip.  And all my well intentioned plans don’t seem to be executed as well as I’d hoped.  So today is my day to give you  some thoughtful and hopefully thought provoking…

Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary

About a month ago a friend emailed me with an invitation to join a book club at our usual coffee spot with a group of women.  I said yes before I even knew the book!  I can’t help it, it…


I was on retreat Saturday with our middle and high school youth ministry core teams.  One of our deacons gave a talk on joy and said it was necessary to have joy in order to share the Good News with…

St. Catherine of Siena and Prayer

Prayer has been heavily on my mind these last few weeks.  It began on retreat when the question “how do you pray?” was posed and the group asked to respond.  Everyone who answered talked about the prayers they say each…

Finding God in all things

St. Ignatius of Loyola is one of my favorite saints.  His spirituality is a very practical one which appeals to me very much.  One of the questions or concepts he tries to teach is the notion that God is present…

A Prayer Board

Have you ever met someone and thought, “I could tell her/him my problem”?  I am that person for many people. It may have to do with the fact that whenever I take a Meyers-Briggs I am all Extrovert.  Or maybe…

An Evangelization Tip

In the last few weeks I’ve heard a good number of homilies and other talks that have been very applicable to how to be a good evangelizer.  What’s interesting is that though the examples used and audiences being spoken to…

Book Review – Sacred Fire, A Vision for Deeper Human and Christian Maturity by Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI.

I was introduced a few years ago to Rolheiser when I read his book The Holy Longing.  His writing resonated with me and helped me to understand much about myself and spirituality.  I learned I was not the only person…

Mandatory – Be Gone

A list of synonyms for the word mandatory includes compulsory, obligatory, requisite, binding, fixed, and set.  It is a strong word, not to be used lightly and certainly not to be used unless it is accurate describing something. I propose…

Social Media and Evangelization

I enjoy social media.  I started out on Facebook when my daughter did a semester abroad in Australia.  It was much easier to keep up with her that way given the time difference and not the best internet access.  I…