Marriage Evangelization

Have you ever stopped to consider evangelizing for a specific purpose?  Of course we want people to know Jesus but what about people who already know Christ and are Catholic but are not living out their faith in life, specifically…

How to Evangelize

A few posts ago I wondered if I was doing enough in terms of evangelization.  I also wonder if I am doing it the right way.  I suppose that in many ways how to evangelize is not a one-size-fits-all response. …

Campaigning for Christ

I work in a parish and because it is a small one I wear more than one hat. This summer I am working on a PR proposal for the parish.  The parish bulletin just isn’t enough when we are all…

Digital Discipleship Boot Camp

I am taking a summer workshop on using technology in the parish setting for religious education and more.  “The goal of our training is to become digital disciples.” Now I ask myself, do I want to become a digital disciple? …

The “isms” of our time

A few weekends ago I went on retreat at our local retreat center.  One of the talks focused on the obstacles to being Church.  The priest named what he considered the three root causes:  individualism, with relativism embodied in it,…

Prayer and Evangelization

I don’t know what you spend your days doing, but my job is to draw (though sometimes I feel like I am trying to lure) people to the Church.  I have passion and am very dedicated to what I do…

He Leadeth Me: A Book Review

I have a group of friends who pick a book to read and discuss together every few months and He Leadeth Me by Fr. Walter J. Ciszek, S. J. was our most recent selection.  I had heard about this book and…

Am I doing enough?

I spend most of my time working on evangelization.  I use media as much as possible and try hard to be creative and relevant.  As a director of faith formation my major responsibility is to provide appropriate formation for the…

Evangelization IS Action

Catholics are not big on evangelization.  When I speak to groups I work with about this topic, even in passing, they are uncomfortable. The word is too close to “evangelical,” I am told.  Sounds like we are going to go…

Alleluia! He is Risen

We began on Holy Thursday as Christ instituted the Eucharist and washed the feet of his disciples, commanding them “as I have done for you, you should also do” (John 13:15). On Good Friday we remembered Jesus’ death on the…