Pray and Work

“Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended on you.” * I think this is a great quote to live by if one is involved in the work of evangelization.  It has saved my sanity…

Yes, There Can Be Evangelization

The parent meeting went off fairly well.  Only one small technology difficulty and I dare say some evangelization may have occurred. As I said last time, I want parent meetings to go well and be positive experiences for everyone involved. …

Can Evangelization Happen at a Parent Meeting?

Before you get too far into reading this post, I want to tell you there is no answer to that question here.  At least not yet.  However, there will be an answer in my next post two weeks from now….

It’s Ordinary

Ordinary Time, the color green, this year we are listening to Mark tell us about Jesus’ ministry and maybe, just maybe it seems a bit – well, ordinary.  And it is.  And it should be. But let us not be…

Our Savior has Come

T’was the night before Christmas, when deep in my soul I felt such a peace, not even a worry The manger was set, the tree lights twinkled Knowing Jesus would soon be here The faithful were sure the Son would…

You Never Know

As a parish employee I try my best to always remember that I never know what people are carrying inside of them and that my mission is to care.  I was poignantly reminded of that today when I met with…

Repaying God

Part of the ability to evangelize to others is to first know yourself. When we stand secure in our faith and have knowledge about our faith, reaching out to others is less intimidating.  As I come to know myself better,…

The Grace of Yes: Eight Virtues for Generous Living

In a time when so many people are so busy and overwhelmed by the tasks of their daily lives; at a time when there is an abundance of articles written on how to say no Lisa M.  Hendey writes a…

What Questions Get Answered?

I just read Holly Ordway’s conversion story, Not God’s Type: An Atheist Lays Down Her Arms and was fascinated by it.  I posted a review here, but in this post I’d like to focus on what I learned in terms…

Practical Ideas for Faith Formation Classes

I spend much time thinking about how to share the faith with families. The fact that it is my job is only part of the reason, the main reason is because it is important.  This school year I have implemented…