Threshold Conversation

A few weeks ago I read a great book, Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus, by Sherry A. Weddell.  There is a general review on my blog.  I would like to focus on one part of the book that I think is especially important for those of us in the evangelization business.  And really, all of us who have faith should be in that business.

Weddell describes what she calls a “threshold conversation” which is about listening to the other person.  Our role is to listen prayerfully and learn about the other person’s journey and possibly learn if the person is open to learning more about the faith.  It is the beginning of building a relationship of trust.  If you are familiar with Cursillo or FOCCUS this idea is not new.

Weddell outlines the steps for the conversation; beginning with this question (or variation of) “Can you describe your relationship with God to this point in your life?”

She explains further that you will hear one of these five possible responses:

  • I don’t believe in God; I don’t know if there is a God.
  • I believe in a Higher-Power or Impersonal Force.
  • I believe in a personal God but have no relationship with God.
  • I believe in a personal God and have a relationship with God.

What was so amazing to me was first, why didn’t I think about doing this? And then, how could I do this?

She points out that the main purpose of asking the question is to learn if the person has what the Church calls the “seeds of the Word” and to” reverently lay bare the seeds of the Word which lie hidden in our neighbor.”  If we begin with learning where a person is on their faith journey we will surely know better how to engage and interest them in continuing on their journey.

After reading this I posed the question to my small RCIA group.  Honestly, I was a bit wary to hear their replies but I should not have been.  I realized how wonderful it was to hear their thoughts and feelings and how they have grown in their faith as we move toward Easter. It also reminded me that I spend too much time talking and planning “lessons” rather than allowing things to flow from lived experiences.

The take away here for me and I hope for you, is this:  ask, listen, pray, respond in love,.  Evangelizing is about meeting people on the journey and walking with them.

Copyright © 2013, Deanna Bartalini

Deanna Bartalini

Deanna Bartalini

Deanna G. Bartalini, is a Catholic writer, speaker, and educator. She serves on the retreat team at Our Lady of Florida Spiritual Center. Deanna loves teaching about Catholicism and how it fits into our daily lives. She writes at, serves as the editor of the blog, and is a contributor there as well as at Deanna contributed to A Catholic Mom's Prayer Companion published by Ave Maris Press. She is the author of “Invite the Holy Spirit into Your Life: Growing in Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control” published by Our Sunday Visitor. Deanna is available to lead retreats and speak at catechist and ministry events.

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