Simply Ordinary

A few days ago we had a book talk at Church. Our Priest was taken by a crime novel and the more he read it, the more he realized that it had many layers and messages that would be perfect…

How Sad are You?

Fear, anger, frustration, failure, longing, wishing, helplessness, hopelessness, loneliness, rage, indignation, and embarrassment: in my spiritual walk, I have genuinely experienced each of these emotions more than a time or two. Sometimes God and I are not on speaking terms….

Just a Dozen

If you are at all familiar with current culture you know that as far as our cultural values go, more is better!   We have seen the quantities of “super-size” multiply at fast food outlets and “buy get one free” drives…

Are You Synced?

Does this question confuse you?  It is a statement that has nothing to do with the dinner dishes. Rather, it is a question that the “young people” understand as a regular term in their vocabulary.  You know, those people who…

How Do You Stand?

So here it is, mid-Lent.  Are you having one of those “déjà vu” moments where you wake up and realize that you haven’t really been paying attention to the season? There was Ash Wednesday and then Sunday and then Sunday…and? …

What Are You Waiting For?

It’s the early into Lent. How’s it going so far?  Are you  holier, more reverent, a better witness?  Have you thought about how this “season of waiting” is affecting you? Maybe you haven’t had the time? We are not used…

A Most Basic Skill

For quite some time, now my heart has been stolen by one of the iconic images of the faith.  I am completely smitten by this picture every time I see it almost to the point of not being able to…

Giving God the Gift of Obedience

You know the drill.  You’ve got the list.  It includes relatives close and distant, the neighbor’s kids, teachers, friends and so on.  But I’ll bet there’s someone of great import that you left off your list: God.  Right, that’s God,…

The End of The Line

In November, our Church calls us to remember the remarkable of the Church both recognized (All Saints) and those unrecognized (All Souls). We set up memorial tables, reverence the Book of the Dead, and attend memorial Masses, all the while…

The Luckiest Man in the Bible

In our all too self-centered society, the attraction of “personal drama” and “woe is me” thinking is pervasive. Every public figure and celeb has some mega-emotional story of the most recent tragedy in their lives that is all important and…

Search results for 'kathryn cunningham' across all New Evangelizers Network sites.

2018/03/07 By

Kathryn Cunningham

Kathryn Cunningham, a contributor to this blog, went to her eternal rest in February. Kathryn began writing here in 2012. I always looked forward to her posts and her wry comments in our email exchanges. Jennifer Willits, the site’s founder,…

2017/12/06 By

Just Like Sheep

A few days ago we celebrated the feast of Christ the King. In the Church year this is always the marker of ending and the time to begin the preparation for the new Liturgical Year, Advent. This Feast, for me…

2017/11/01 By

You Saint You!

In November our Church calls us to remember the remarkable of the Church both recognized (All Saints) and those unrecognized (All Souls). We set up memorial tables, reverence the book of the dead and attend memorial Masses. All the while…

2017/10/05 By

Waiting for Perfection

“Oh Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” If you are Catholic and you don’t recognize the previous words, to say the least, you…

2017/09/20 By

For Ever and Ever

I am sometimes shocked when I hear people say things like “I want to live forever!” The ones who have that to say are usually young, have no ailments and no real stresses in their life. But “forever”, wow! Times…

2017/09/06 By

What R U Lookin’ At?

In the lessons surrounding John the Baptist there are many things that get our immediate attention as well as some things that don’t but should! Let’s fill in the details a bit about John and his ministry. First of all,…

2017/08/16 By

How Deep is Your Dirt?

It’s summer and baseball season and that brings to mind a metaphor that we could apply to a lot of things. In this case I think it can be used to bring home a point about our faith: “Catholicism is…

2017/08/02 By

How Comfy is Your Box?

One of the early things that I learned in “Theology School” was the way that God works. Do I have all of the answers, no, but I know what the plan looks like. It reminds me of a 70’s TV…

2017/07/19 By

Never to be Seen

Are you a gardener?  Did you ever plant a seed? Did you ever wonder about the “Seen Parable” (Lk 8: 4-15) and try to figure out which one you were and become depressed because you thought that the description which…

2017/07/05 By

Sins of Omission

You’ve heard the phrase in the title. I bet you have even formed a little catalog in your head of what is included. There are probably things in your list that include a lot of “forgetting”. You know: I forgot…