Social Conflict and Christianity

It is undeniable that there seems to be a great deal of social conflict between so-called left and right political positions today. Positions are increasingly extreme, and the two sides seem more and more interested in demonizing the other side….

The Battle of the Sexes

I recently saw the hit movie Barbie. While many people have a variety of opinions, it made me think about the battle of the sexes. The movie presents an antagonistic relationship between men and women. While the movie does this…

The Acid of Resentment

Resentment is a feeling that should be avoided at all costs. This feeling can worm its way into our hearts in several different ways. We could begin to feel resentment towards someone because of they treat us with seaming disrespect….

No One is Conceived By Accident

At some point in our lives, we learn about “the birds and the bees.” The mechanics of human reproduction are taught to us. And many people in this world try to engage in the activity of reproduction without the intention…

Men, Women, and Jesus

As Christians we believe that the relationship between men and woman has been affected by sin. There is no shortage of evidence for this: pornography, domestic violence, abuse, gaslighting, stalking, harassment – the list goes on. To understand this, we…

Good Popes and True Popes

In my last article, I tackled the subject of Papal Infallibility. But today I wanted to look into the subject of Papal Fallibility. Is a bad pope no longer a true pope? By “true” I do not mean “having pure…

Understanding the Sacred Heart

The devotion of the Sacred Heart is a traditional Catholic devotion that goes back many hundreds of years. It depicts Jesus, looking compassionate and a bit sad, pointing to his heart, which is exposed. The heart is on fire, with…

Can the Pope Make Mistakes?

Among non-Catholics, one of the most controversial Catholic beliefs is that of Papal Infallibility. For many, the idea that any sinful man (which the pope is inasmuch as all men are sinners) could be preserved from error is a tough…

Eucharist: Not Just a Symbol

Yesterday we celebrated the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ. Hopefully your parishes had celebrations like adoration and Eucharistic processions. Days like yesterday serve as an important reminder that the Eucharist is not just a symbol of Christ,…

Remembering Jesus

For Christians today, Jesus is present in an unseen way: through the work of the Holy Spirit, through the sacraments, and in prayer. We find out what Jesus is like through reading and hearing the Bible, especially the Gospels. This…