Currency in the Gospels

In the gospels, amounts in monetary currency show up fairly often. Jesus uses currency in some of his examples, and it comes up in some of the events of his ministry. But currency in first century Palestine is very different…

Where Did the Bible Come From? Part 3

Some people oversimplify the truth by becoming fundamentalists. This means that they read every part of the Bible as literally true in all parts. This is straightforward and simple to understand. But this ignores all of the important contexts. Have…

Where did the Bible Come From? Part 2

It is important to understand that we do not mean that the Bible was dictated by God, as if the human author had no control or influence. Inspiration does not mean some kind of divine version of demonic possession where…

God Who Offers Eternal Life

The eternal life God offers to human beings is God himself. Yet God, although infinite and eternal, does not overwhelm or absorb us, but instead he gives himself to us, to be with us forever, to be in us, and…

Where Did the Bible Come From? Part 1

Where did the Bible come from? The Bible is God’s Word written down in human language, so it is absolutely correct to say that the Bible comes from God. But the Bible did not magically drop out of the sky…

Immaculee Ilibagiza and Forgiveness

Pope Francis writes, “Mercy has two aspects. It involves giving… but it also includes forgiveness and understanding.” More than just acts of charity, mercy is an act where we forgive others. This is something that all Christians must do. “We…

Reflections on Bl. Miguel Pro

Miguel Agustin Pro was born in Guadalupe, Mexico on January 13, 1891. His family was devoutly Catholic with a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother. Once when he was four years old, Miguel became fatally ill. His father brought him…

How Eternal Life?

The eternal life that God offers to human beings is participation in the very life of God, to be one with God as Jesus is one with the Father. God loves eternally, and he wants human beings to love eternally…

Eternal Life

Jesus offers eternal life to his followers. But what sort of life is it? Some seem to think it is an endless stay at a sort of heavenly resort, our “best lives” extended indefinitely. Sometimes this idea is expressed in…

No Room At The Inn

Like many of you, I notice how packed the pews become during Christmas mass. It is wonderful having large crowds gather to celebrate the birth of Our Lord. And yet there is a sadness that many of the people who…