Body + Soul = A Theology of Discipleship

Body + Soul = A Theology of Discipleship

I was minding my own business, researching an article on Catholic Sex Ed, and next thing I knew, I was re-learning Evangelization 101.  You know, the part where they drill into your head the ol’ maxim about “First Do No…

Stealth Evangelization

“Oh, I’d love to help, but I’m so busy…” “Bummer, we have three things going on at that time. Maybe sometime when I’m not so swamped I can help…” “Gee, thanks for asking, but no, we can’t help right now.”…

Augustine & Conversion

Tomorrow, April 24, my community will be celebrating the Conversion of Saint Augustine. As some of you know, I am an Augustinian Friar, and we, as well as many other Religious Orders, have a calendar of unique Feasts. April 24…

Spirit Who?

We sometimes hear this phrase in preaching and/or teaching about the Church: “The fullness of the Spirit.”  For me that’s a cue to the life-changing events that set my life onto a path that I never intended.  That phrase makes…

Lifestyles of the Rich and Fallen

Recently, I had an epiphany.  We spend a lot of time reaching out to the poor and hungry, but who is reaching out to the rich and fallen?  Didn’t Jesus say: “Amen, I say to you, it will be hard…

Hearing the Shepherd’s Voice

Readings for April 21, 2013: Fourth Sunday of Easter What was the response to Jesus’ preaching, according to the New Testament?  Some who heard him were impressed; others wanted to push him over a cliff (Luke 4:29).  The same was…

Highlighting New Evangelizers: Catholic Underground

Highlighting New Evangelizers: Catholic Underground

I don’t know how I’ve gone so long without the delight known as Catholic Underground in my life, but there you have it: even old dogs can find new podcasts. The Catholic Underground, though, isn’t just a podcast: it’s also…

On Haters and the Passion

When I first had the idea of doing a New Evangelizers blog series using Jesus and the Holy Family as examples to fight the Five Wounds of Secularization (Busyness, Consumerism/Materialism, Violence/Revenge, Individualism, and Entitlement), I thought Violence/Revenge would be the…

Do NOT Follow Your Heart

It’s the dogma of our curent culture: follow your heart. It’s such a part of who we think we are, of how we think we should make decisions, of what we strive to reach, that we’ve accepted it as capital-t True. But…

Why We Need Divine Mercy

Why We Need Divine Mercy

We live in trying times. Terrorism from both jihad and abortion clinics is but one indicator that shows what a merciless and age we live in. But as evil and terror have increased, so too has the reach of God’s…