The Little Way

St. Therese of Lisieux introduced us to the little way, and it is a concept that can be very effective in our evangelization efforts, as well.  By realizing that it is some of our smallest actions that have the greatest impact, we can change the world through a series of seemingly ordinary tasks.

The little way is simple to follow: give your full commitment and effort to every task – even the smallest tasks you do.  Each of these tasks on their own may not make much of an impact, but added together, they can make a real difference in the world.

Applying this to evangelization, it makes us realize that we do not need to stand on stage in front of thousands of people to share the Gospel.  There are much easier ways to share the love of God.

Every sincere handshake, warm hug, and tender kiss on the cheek shows the warmth and love of Christ.  Every shoulder to cry on and tear wiped away shows His compassion.  Every moment of laughter shares His joy.

The little way of evangelization teaches us that we are not just evangelists when we are sharing our faith in front of a crowd, when we publish a book, or online through a blog.  In fact, some of our greatest chances to evangelize are at times when we are not trying to evangelize at all.

When St. Therese died, few outside of her convent knew her name, but the story of her life quickly spread.  Today, she is one of the most beloved saints in modern society.  Her story, her example, has inspired the lives of millions.

Put your full commitment and joy into every task.  Seek to serve others before yourself.  Show love and compassion in your every step.  By doing so, you will be following the little way – and one of the greatest saints the Church has ever known.

St. Therese of Lisieux taught us one very important lesson: you do not have to change the world – just the moment.  The world will come later.

Copyright © 2013, Chad R. Torgerson

Chad R. Torgerson

Chad R. Torgerson

Chad R. Torgerson works as an IT Analyst for a Catholic publishing group. In his spare time, he enjoys writing and sharing his faith on his website, Waking Up Catholic, a guide to the Catholic RCIA process. and is also the Co-Founder of Assisi Media, a new Catholic publishing company focused on using new media to reach everyday Catholics. His new book, Waking Up Catholic, is available in eBook and paperback formats.

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