The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Once known as the Feast of Our Lady of Victory, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary honors a 16th century victory that prevented Europe from being overrun by a Turkish invasion.

In today’s world, many of us in the West may not need protection from military invasions, but we still need the protection of Our Lady as our culture is being invaded by a number of enemies.

Morality is on the decline.  Relativism is on the rise.  The battle for souls wages on.

When facing the challenges the world throws at us, we often turn to our own abilities.  We hope that our skills and knowledge will help us to overcome any threat.

Unfortunately, when the battle is more spiritual than worldly, earthly skills do us little good.

It is in these dark times that we must turn to the power of prayer to defend ourselves, just as Pope St. Pius V urged all Christians to do almost 500 years ago.  God delivered a supernatural victory on October 7, 1571 in Europe, and He can deliver one again today.

The power of the rosary is not limited to the major battles of the world either.  It can help us win victories in our own lives, as well.

Are you unemployed?  Pray the rosary.

Do you need a miracle cure?  Pray the rosary.

Are you nearing divorce?  Pray the rosary.

Do you feel alone and afraid?  Pray the rosary.

Regardless of what you may be facing – pray the Rosary!

On the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, we celebrate the power of prayer, we celebrate the impact Christ can have on our lives, and we celebrate His mother’s intercessions on our behalf.

Pray the rosary today for a miracle, and you might be surprised at what happens next.

Copyright © 2013, Chad R. Torgerson

Chad R. Torgerson

Chad R. Torgerson

Chad R. Torgerson works as an IT Analyst for a Catholic publishing group. In his spare time, he enjoys writing and sharing his faith on his website, Waking Up Catholic, a guide to the Catholic RCIA process. and is also the Co-Founder of Assisi Media, a new Catholic publishing company focused on using new media to reach everyday Catholics. His new book, Waking Up Catholic, is available in eBook and paperback formats.

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