Finding the Excitement in the Ascension

Readings for May 12, 2013: Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord The celebration of the Ascension used to leave me a bit flat.  It was clear what Good Friday did for me.  And Easter Sunday’s benefits were indisputable. But…

Meet John of Avila

Last year, on October 7, 2012, Benedict XVI declared St. John of Avila the 34th Doctor of the Church. This was based not only on the saint’s illustrious life of heroic virtue but also upon his writings and his letters,…

Tough Guys Don’t Pitch Tents

About 30 years ago I read the Norman Mailer novel Tough Guys Don’t Dance. It’s about a son, Tim Madden, who simply will never be as tough a guy as his father Dougy. Tim must be about 40, but still feels…

Taking Custody of Your Tongue

What if you had to choose one of the symbols of the Four Evangelists and adopt it as your own?  Which of those four icons—a majestic lion, a formidable ox, a fearsome winged creature, a splendid eagle—would best represent your…

Here Comes the Bride

Eleven years ago, I married my wonderful wife, Michelle.  I have it on good authority that her dress shopping some months before our wedding was an overall positive experience.  Emotional, yes, but positive. It seems, though, that plenty of similar…

Amazing Music from Ephesus

Highlighting New Evangelizers: Amazing Music from Ephesus

A few years ago, the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles sent me a CD of their music, an album titled “Christmas at Ephesus.” It quickly became my favorite Christmas album and I did do just what they intended…

Mary, Old Devotions, and the New Evangelization

Mary has an important role in the New Evangelization. I think that is easy enough to accept, but in what way, and how is her role engaged in the New Evangelization? That is not always clear to me. Isn’t the…

Singing Through the Pain

Last Mother’s Day we went to the 10 a.m. Mass at St. Jude’s in Allen, TX, with my son Andrew and his family. We arrived early while the choir was practicing and sat in the third row behind their two…

The Little Way

St. Therese of Lisieux introduced us to the little way, and it is a concept that can be very effective in our evangelization efforts, as well.  By realizing that it is some of our smallest actions that have the greatest…

The Paraclete

Readings for May 5, 2013: Sixth Sunday of Easter He wore steel rimmed glasses and had hair to the middle of his back.  The fringe on his buck-skinned jacket bounced as he walked. At least that was the way I…