Peace on Earth Requires Peace on Our Hearts

Why is it that the smallest inconvenience can set some people off while others maintain calm in the face of great adversity?  What is the difference between those who know peace on earth and those who don’t? It is in…

No, I’m *not* quitting Facebook.

I’ll admit it. When I heard Matthew Warner talk about quitting Facebook on SQPN’s Catholic Weekend, many of the things I haven’t been able to articulate well came to the forefront of my thoughts. And then when he wrote about…

Inspired by the Church Fathers

Editor’s note: Today we welcome Pete Socks as a contributor to the New Evangelizers blog. In November of 2012 I struck out on a venture. The idea was to take my love of books and share that love via the…

An Alternative to Godwin’s Law

Godwin’s Law states that “as an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1.” I would like to propose Lindner’s Law, that states “as a discussion of religion grows longer, the probability of…

God’s Way, Not Our Way

We all have hopes and dreams, and many of us plan out our way to fulfill those hopes and dreams in our lives.  But we have to remember to follow God’s way, not our way. Our way, our best laid…

The Good Samaritan

Readings for June 14, 2013: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time To this day, the road from Jericho to Jerusalem is long, winding, and desolate. The two travelers could have been heading back home after weeks on temple duty.  Or they…

The Love of Christ Compels Us 

July 12 is the feast day of St. Veronica, the saint whose act of kindness to Jesus as He walked the Via Dolorosa will be forever commemorated in the Sixth Station of the Cross: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus….

f u cn rd ths…

…then you should be catechizing in a classroom. I already know you are a self-selected follower of New Evangelizers. Therefore I also know: A. You take evangelizing seriously. B. You can read. I have to digress already. About 30 years…

Poolside Evangelization

My son Gerard and I just returned from a week at Cub Scout camp, where torrential rain and frequent thunderstorms limited the opportunities for fun stuff like hiking and boating. You can imagine the delight of Gerard and his camp…

Let Freedom Ring

In the United States, we’ve just celebrated the Fourth of July, or Independence Day.  It’s a day celebrating the freedoms for which our forebearers fought and died.  Around the world, peoples are protesting, fighting, praying, and working for greater freedom….