Readings for January 11, 2015: The Baptism of the Lord At first glance, the scene makes little sense. John’s strident call to repentance provokes an overwhelming response. People of all shapes and sizes flock to him in the wilderness. They…
I dread the trip from Dallas to Palm Springs to care for my sister, Betty Clare (BC to the family), who is recuperating from cancer surgery. Our dysfunctional relationship, although healing some since our mother’s death, still has echoes of…
As I did last year, I shall recall any good things from the popular culture that are harmonious or helpful to Catholic culture. And as I wrote last year, it is not necessary to indulge a fascination with pop culture…
Readings for January 4, 2015: The Epiphany of the Lord Up until now, all has been quite humble. A donkey-ride to a dusty town south of Jerusalem. Hotel rooms all booked up. Giving birth in a stable and laying the…
Tomorrow is the Feast of the Epiphany and the end of the Christmas season is upon us. We have waited and prayed through Advent, preparing ourselves for the coming of our Lord at Christmas. We celebrated the Nativity of our…
Catholic Answers Live radio show host Patrick Coffin always closes the show with the admonition, “Be a saint…what else is there?” For a long time it just sort of went in one ear and out the other, until one day…
Readings for January 1, 2015: The Octave Day of Christmas, Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God The mother of the Messiah has been called many things in the last 2000 years – the Virgin Mary, Our…
On a recent episode of The Son Rise Morning Show, host Matt Swaim and I looked at the topic of cyberbullying. The conversation was prompted by a Vatican press conference on the topic: Entitled “Stop threats on the internet,” the…
One of the realities of parish and community life today is that we nearly always have a meeting of multiple cultures. My own parish is home to first-generation European, Asian, Latin-American, Middle Eastern, and African immigrants, born-and-raised Americans from several…
Throughout our lectionary readings at Mass during this month of December we hear of and from a lot of prophets. Isaiah, Zechariah, Elijah, Zephaniah, Jeremiah, Malachi, Nathan, and even the New Testament prophets, John the Baptist and Anna. These prophets…