Philanthropy vs. Sainthood

What does it mean to be a saint? In ancient times, this could mean anyone who is a part of the Christian community.  Today when we speak of saints, we are talking about those people of heroic grace and virtue…

It’s Ordinary

Ordinary Time, the color green, this year we are listening to Mark tell us about Jesus’ ministry and maybe, just maybe it seems a bit – well, ordinary.  And it is.  And it should be. But let us not be…

Called and Consecrated

Readings for January 18, 2015: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time When I was growing up, we were urged to pray for vocations.  That meant to pray for more priests and nuns.  After all, they were the ones especially called by…

You Are Precious in My Eyes

Who can put a value on human life? Who can decide this one lives and that one does not? How is it determined whose life has more merit?  We are like grains of sand – one among a multitude of…

Let Your Prayer Life Explode with Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity

I know I should carve out more time for family and sleep. And prayer. Especially prayer.  If only I prayed more, then everything else would go smoother.  So I make the effort.  And then my phone rings. Or the dogs…

Radiant With the Splendor

Christmas 2014 has been put away. I miss it already. The beautiful (and large) trees are disassembled and packed strategically in their original tiny boxes which defy and challenge the physical laws of mass and volume. The Santa Claus figurine…

How Different the Saints

On the last page of Mere Christianity, C. S. Lewis writes: “Until you have given up your whole self to Him, you will not have a real self. Sameness is to be most among the most natural men and not…

The Priesthood of All Believers–Yes, You!

Yesterday we celebrated an unveiling. A public revelation that Jesus of Nazareth is indeed Jesus the Messiah, Jesus Christ, “the one whom the Father anointed with the Holy Spirit and established as priest, prophet, and king” (Catechism of the Catholic…

The Baptism of the Lord

Readings for January 11, 2015: The Baptism of the Lord At first glance, the scene makes little sense.  John’s strident call to repentance provokes an overwhelming response.  People of all shapes and sizes flock to him in the wilderness.  They…

The Feet Washing

I dread the trip from Dallas to Palm Springs to care for my sister, Betty Clare (BC to the family), who is recuperating from cancer surgery. Our dysfunctional relationship, although healing some since our mother’s death, still has echoes of…