Creating God in the Image of Man

26 Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth,…

Five ways the Holy Spirit transforms our lives

God wants to manifest himself in each one of us. He joins us with the people of God throughout the world who are seeking to follow him with their whole hearts, to serve him and to serve the Church. The…

Don’t Let Fear Limit the Gospel

Today (Acts 14:5-18) we find Paul and Barnabas on mission in Lycaonian cities of Lystra and Derbe. And they’ve been on quite a streak. They were in the Lycaonian region because of an attempt to stone them after their most…

Bearing Much Fruit

Readings for May 3, 2015: 5th Sunday of Easter No one was more zealous than Saul. He burned with passion to promote the Law of Moses and the traditions of his ancestors. From Turkey to Palestine to Syria he had relentlessly…

What It Means to Pray “Thy Kingdom Come”

I recently had the opportunity to study a small portion of St. Teresa of Avilla’s writings on the Lord’s Prayer. I learned many things from this study that I’ve been meditating on for the last couple of weeks, but there…

Rehoboam and the Catholic Church

When I speak with my Protestant brethren, all our differences boil down to a single issue – authority. Who has the authority to interpret scripture? Who has the authority to bind and loose? And many of my Protestant friends will…

A Seeking Heart: Kingdom First

The adventure continues — my search for holiness in the ordinary every day that is my life.  Sometimes, all the steps toward surrender to God’s Will and the peace promised therein is interrupted by anxiety.  Lots of anxiety – think…

On the Necessity of the Trinity

The first and deepest mystery of the Christian faith is the Trinity. It is a mystery because we can never fully understand it: we have 3 distinct Persons in One God.  The Father is not the Son, neither of Them…

Are You Synced?

Does this question confuse you?  It is a statement that has nothing to do with the dinner dishes. Rather, it is a question that the “young people” understand as a regular term in their vocabulary.  You know, those people who…

Book Review – Sacred Fire, A Vision for Deeper Human and Christian Maturity by Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI.

I was introduced a few years ago to Rolheiser when I read his book The Holy Longing.  His writing resonated with me and helped me to understand much about myself and spirituality.  I learned I was not the only person…