Does the New Evangelization Trump Ecumenism?

The New Evangelization seems new and exciting here in the United States. People talk about it a lot. We plan lots of events and programs to support the New Evangelization. And sometimes, we even overuse the phrase. But, ecumenism? Now…

The Priesthood of All Believers–Yes, You!

Yesterday we celebrated an unveiling. A public revelation that Jesus of Nazareth is indeed Jesus the Messiah, Jesus Christ, “the one whom the Father anointed with the Holy Spirit and established as priest, prophet, and king” (Catechism of the Catholic…

Are You a Prophet?

Throughout our lectionary readings at Mass during this month of December we hear of and from a lot of prophets. Isaiah, Zechariah, Elijah, Zephaniah, Jeremiah, Malachi, Nathan, and even the New Testament prophets, John the Baptist and Anna. These prophets…

Why Are You Hosting That Festival, Fish Fry, or Carnival Again?

In many parts of the United States, Catholic parishes are widely known (and loved) for hosing various annual festivals, bazaars, fish fries, carnivals, picnics, and more. The question is–why? Often, the historic reason is to joyously celebrate and mark the…

Evangelization Endures

This past week I visited Montreal and with my husband and son, celebrated the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, at the Basilica of Notre Dame. Now, Montreal has a lot of churches that have been…

Parish Bulletins with a Purpose

Is the bulletin something we just do in Catholic parishes? Or something we do with a mission, a sense of purpose, a strategy? It’s not a stretch to say that most parish bulletins are treated as nothing more than routine maintenance…

Is It OK to Call Jesus “My Personal Lord and Savior?”

Evangelization sends all of us out into the world to meet, engage, care for, and share our faith in Jesus Christ with all. And that can mean questions. Some that come with a lot of baggage and background. On a few occasions…

Our Newest Beatified Pope: Paul VI

I’ll be honest. I’m pretty sure I had no idea who Pope Paul VI was until I was in my mid-20s. I mean, I’d heard of some Catholic high schools named after him, but I went to public school so…

Cutting Through New Evangelization Branding

What is the New Evangelization? Given all the events, programs, and committees claiming the phrase “New Evangelization,” it’s actually kind of hard to tell sometimes. By the time “New Evangelization” talk makes its way from diocesan conferences and ministerial discussions to…

Catechetical Sunday: Themes Change, Conversion is Constant

Yesterday marked the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)’s annual celebration of Catechetical Sunday–an unofficial kick-off to parish catechesis, which generally starts in September (following the academic calendar). Catechesis is a hot topic and growing business these days. With more and…