Imagined Evangelization vs. People-Driven Evangelization

There’s probably a universal tendency among human beings (especially organizations) to gravitate towards the known. Gravitate toward what we think we do best. To look at the world through a lens that enables us to then act and do what…

Blest Assurance — Part 3

I know that my Redeemer lives! What joy this blest assurance gives…goes the classic Easter season hymn. When it comes to public perceptions and impressions, Catholics in the United States aren’t exactly known for radiating joy of having a “Blest…

Blest Assurance — Part 2

I know that my Redeemer lives! What joy this blest assurance gives…goes the classic Easter season hymn. In my most recent post here at New Evangelizers, we looked at works-based salvation–aka earning eternal life or “Pelagianism”–as a reason why some…

Blest Assurance

I know that my Redeemer lives! What joy this blest assurance gives…goes the classic Easter season hymn. Do you truly believe that Jesus rose from the dead? If you’re an American, odds are, you probably do. Is your belief, your…

The Shock of Stations of the Cross

The devotional prayer practice of Stations of the Cross (or the Way of the Cross) is ubiquitous during Lent in Catholic parishes around the U.S. Stations of the Cross emerged as a way of doing a “Jerusalem” pilgrimage for those…

The Great Rescue–Of You

“I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me.” (Psalm 30:2a) Today on the 4th Monday of Lent we respond to God’s Word with in the words of the Psalmist David, I will praise you, Lord, for you have…

Our Pentecostal Feast of and for Unity

Today’s Feast of the Chair of St. Peter the Apostle calls us to understand the Papal Office, our lives as disciples, and Jesus’ enduring summons to Christian unity as inherently related and dependent on the Holy Spirit. This feast actually…

Invitation to Mercy: Concrete and Immediate

I’m going to propose something that sounds utterly impractical. Completely inconvenient. And, at first, flat out impossible, maybe even ridiculous. Here goes: during this Jubilee Year of Mercy (and beyond!), when we know that it’s an occasion where a lot…

Beyond “Good Standing”

If you travel around enough as a visitor to different Catholic parishes–especially for Christmas, Easter, funerals, or weddings–you’ll hear a range of different announcements given just prior to Mass or (more jarringly) just before communion distribution pertaining to who should…

Sharing the Heart of Pre-Evangelization

In his great teaching on evangelization in the modern world, Pope Paul VI noted the importance of the sentiments of the human heart when it comes to pre-evangelization–the critical bridge of trust and interest before the Gospel of Jesus Christ…