Five Legacies of Pope Benedict XVI

Pope Benedict XVI has officially stepped down from the Chair of Peter.  He is the first pope to do so in many centuries.  His time as pope was very brief compared to his predecessor, John Paul II.  But even in…

Sinners in the Church

People often point out how sinful the Church is.  Whether it was the sexual abuse scandal in all of the headlines or the hypocrites trying to kill each other getting out of the parking lot after mass, our Church seems…

Conviction and Compromise

Chad Torgerson recently wrote a wonderful article here at about never compromising our values.  There are certain fundamentals in our world that have become political footballs, but they should never be treated as such by the faithful. From the…

Why are we still waiting?

In the old version of the mass, the priest would invite us to proclaim the mystery of faith, and we would sing: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. The first sentence is in the past tense. …

Homosexuality and Marriage

Editor’s Note: This is the follow-up of W.L. Grayson’s previous post, Homosexuality and the Modern Problem. I wrote in an earlier article about the modern problem when it comes to winning the cultural war regarding homosexuality. To sum up the…

On the Necessity of Heaven

“You only believe in God because you want to go to Heaven.” This is the basic accusation leveled at many believers in this skeptical age.  Heaven is the ultimate wish fulfillment fantasy.  As Karl Marx called it, it is the…

Advent and the Second Coming

Despite what the local radio stations and giant retailers say, we are not yet in the season of Christmas.  We are now in that glorious season of Advent.  “Advent” comes to us from the Latin word “adventus” which roughly translated…

On the Necessity of Hell

“Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.” These are the words above the gates of Hell in Dante’s Divine Comedy.  And that is the true horror of hell: the loss of all hope.  Even here in this valley of tears…

C.S. Lewis and the New Evangelization

If you’ve read any of my earlier articles, you may have noticed that I quote heavily from C.S. Lewis. I first encountered Mr. Lewis as a child.  I was very young and I caught the tail end of a cartoon…

Can Non-Christians Go to Heaven?

It never fails that in each of my high school religion classes someone asks, “Can a non-Christian go to heaven?” It is an important question that preys on many of us.  We have seen people of heroic moral virtue in…