The Pope and Practical Politics

It is no secret that we live in very politically polarized times.  And perhaps you are like me in that not only am I devoutly Catholic, but I also have very strong political convictions. But as Catholics, what do we…

Do I really believe God loves me?

Have you ever asked yourself the question: “Do I really believe that God loves me?” This is not the same as the question: “Does God love me?” The latter is a question of objective truth or falsehood. Either God is…

Will all men be saved?

I recently was in a discussion with a dear friend regarding whether I believed all men could go to Heaven. My short answer to his inquiry was “Yes.” But I think this is something that requires a great deal of…

Dancing with the Devil

Some may have taken note of the Satanic goings-on in the world at large.  In particular there have been a number of news stories about the large Baphomet (an idol of Satan) statue that was unveiled in Detroit.  Is this…

Chastity is a Waltz

A few months ago I was speaking to a friend of mine regarding how we teach chastity to our young people.  The frustration she shared with me was that the entire burden of chastity seemed to fall on the women. …

Protect Us From All Anxiety

Recently on Twitter someone I follow sent me this quote from Fr.  Ron Rolheiser: “The opposite of fear is not doubt but anxiety.” The older I have become I have noticed more and more anxiety creeping into my life.  But…

The Philosophy of Laudato Si

Much has already been written about Pope Francis new encyclical.  A great deal of that writing has analyzed the letter through a political lens.  This is not illegitimate, as Pope Francis raises many issues that are explicitly political.  And the…

Don’t Envy Evil

Okay, it’s gut check time again. As always, it is important to face the evils of this world with boldness and courage.  We live in a world soaked with sin and only good men and women can, by the grace…

An Interview about Ministry

(A few months back, I was interviewed by a former student about my thoughts on Christian ministry.  I’m afraid he makes me sound better than I am, especially when I reference ideas from wiser and holier people than me like…

On the Necessity of the Trinity

The first and deepest mystery of the Christian faith is the Trinity. It is a mystery because we can never fully understand it: we have 3 distinct Persons in One God.  The Father is not the Son, neither of Them…