On the Necessity of Marriage

When Pope Paul VI wrote his (now in hindsight) prophetic work Humanae Vitae, he made clear that marriage is not simply a societal institution or norm.  Marriage is a part of God’s plan for humanity. This is an important point…

What God Has Joined

While beginning this article, I am reminded of a moment in C.S. Lewis’s The Problem of Pain where he was greatly worried about sounding callous to the suffering of others.  “How can I saw with sufficient tenderness what needs to…

The Biggest Challenge of Teaching High School Theology

All teachers have their challenges, and religion teachers are no different.  But beyond the usual problems of apathy and lack of diligence there is another all-important obstacle. Unlike most other subjects, theology classes appeal directly to the life choices of…

Creation and Society

The creation stories in Genesis are so incredibly rich in their insight and wisdom.  There is a reason that our Lord consistently referred his critics back “to the beginning” when He would make a point about the world or human…

Using the Internet for Evangelization

I have only been blogging for a little over a year, so please take any advice given here with that in mind.  There are some great pioneers in using the internet to spread the Gospel.  I am only riding on…

Do All Dogs Go to Heaven?

“Where do animals go when they die?” It is easy to dismiss this question as a young child’s curiosity, but not the business of serious religious thought.  But I don’t think that we should be dismissive of the question. Many…

Saint Peter, One of Us

I sometimes imagine a dialogue between God and Humanity where we complain to Him. HUMANITY: God, you are too far above us!  How can we ever hope to be perfect as You are perfect? GOD:  I understand.  So I shall…

To Follow (or Not to Follow) Your Heart

Our hearts burn within us, especially when we are young.  God did not make us emotionless robots, but creatures of intense feeling and passion.  There is a reason that most of the songs on the radio are songs about love…

Why Doesn’t the Holy Spirit Have a Face?

I don’t know if you were like me growing up, but I had a hard time wrapping my mind around the nature of the Holy Spirit.  I knew He was important because He’s mentioned with the Father and the Son. …

Pope Francis: What’s in a Name?

On April 16, 1210, Pope Innocent III had an audience with a beggar.  This beggar travelled long and far by foot to see the Holy Father.  But the pope was troubled by a strange dream from the night before.  In…