As for Me and My House

Each family must decide what matters to them most.  “As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”  -Joshua 24:15, NAB Joshua 24:15 looks good in a painting.  It inspires others as a plaque on our wall.  It’s…


Are you newevangelisticexpialidocious?  Unsure?  Don’t worry.  It’s a word I made up based on the term “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” from Disney’s Mary Poppins. What’s the point of all of this? I wanted to discuss terms and definitions in the Catholic faith.  While…

The Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Once known as the Feast of Our Lady of Victory, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary honors a 16th century victory that prevented Europe from being overrun by a Turkish invasion. In today’s world, many of us in…

Abandon Parish!

Life at your parish just hasn’t been the same.  Attendance is falling, rumors are spreading, and morale is sliding.  Like a sinking ship, you decide it’s time to abandon parish! There are plenty of valid reasons for wanting to change…

RCIA: Rolling Out the Red Carpet

It’s that time of year that I like to write about something crucial, yet often overlooked: RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults).  Are we rolling out the red carpet for new Catholics? Through my website and Facebook page, I…

Catholic Labels

Traditional Catholics.  Modern Catholics.  Conservative Catholics.  Liberal Catholics.  Moderate Catholics.  Orthodox Catholics.  Charismatic Catholics.  Progressive Catholics.  We may think that these Catholic labels define us, but instead, they divide us. Now more than ever, we need to unite together in…

Hometown Prophet

Sometimes, sharing our faith in our own communities can be one of the biggest challenges we face as evangelizers – even Jesus struggled as a hometown prophet. When Jesus returned to Nazareth in Luke 4, they questioned His authority.  They…

Let the Cross Do the Talking

Have you ever been given the perfect opportunity to share your faith but could not think of the right words to say?  Later, the right words come to us, but the moment passes, the opportunity gone. When you struggle to…

God’s Way, Not Our Way

We all have hopes and dreams, and many of us plan out our way to fulfill those hopes and dreams in our lives.  But we have to remember to follow God’s way, not our way. Our way, our best laid…

The Purpose of Suffering

One of the greatest challenges we face is explaining the purpose of suffering. How many times have you heard “why does God allow us to suffer?”  It is a difficult question to answer, and one that deserves a legitimate response….