Faith and Football

Conversion can happen at any place, at any time, and generally happens when we reach an intersection in our lives.  For me, it happened at the corner of Faith and Football. Growing up, watching football was a large part of…

One Soul at a Time

If we want to show the entire world the love of Christ, we must begin one soul at a time.  We can try to reach the masses, when possible, but we are much less likely to have an impact this…

Evangelizing by Example

During my six years in the military, I learned the key to good leadership: lead by example.  In the same way, we can share our faith by evangelizing by example, and it can be one of the most powerful ways…

Apologetics vs Evangelization

Some of my favorite reads are books on apologetics.  Few things get me as excited as learning to defend my Catholic faith.  With so many great authors and titles, from the writings of the saints to modern day apologists, there…

Catholics Wanted: No Experience Necessary

Editor’s note: Today, we welcome Chad Torgerson to the New Evangelizers blogging team! Today’s job market is extremely competitive.  Landing a job requires years of experience, excellent references, and, of course, some form of higher education.  Unfortunately, this need for…