Prayer Meetings: Evangelization in Action

Have you ever been to a prayer meeting? I went to my first prayer meeting in 1973 in a high school gym filled with hundreds of lay men and women and a few nuns and priests. What my husband told…

Brotherly Love

Our priest from India told the story about an ecstatic young man who drove his new car all around town. He was elated with the car and stopped frequently to share his joy with everyone he met. At one stop…

“Dating with a Purpose” Discipleship

“Let the one who is thirsty come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water.” (Rev 22:17) In her book Forming Intentional Disciples, Sherry Weddell compares the last threshold to intentional discipleship to “dating with a…

Divorced and Catholic

I was talking with a friend the other day, who is on the registration committee of our parish. He was telling me about some of the difficulties of registering new parishioners. It seems that some of the people who want…

You are being watched!

In your neighborhood, at work, in school, and on the soccer field at the movies, at the mall, and at church, curious eyes are on you. Why you? Because everyone around you craves something more significant than the joyless life…

Singing Through the Pain

Last Mother’s Day we went to the 10 a.m. Mass at St. Jude’s in Allen, TX, with my son Andrew and his family. We arrived early while the choir was practicing and sat in the third row behind their two…

Patrick Madrid – Envoy Institute

Patrick Madrid is a best-selling author of a dozen books, including Search and Rescue, Does the Bible Really Say That? and the acclaimed Surprised By Truth series.  He is the publisher of Envoy magazine and director of the Envoy Institute…

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2007/10/16 By

RA Podcast #184: We’ve Had An Epiphany!

In this episode of the Rosary Army Catholic Podcast: Epiphany Funds at, The Truth Behind Jennifer’s Pregnancy, Being Wise Stewards of Providence, and Do We Become Angels? 206-984-1899 to leave feedback! Links from this episode: SQPN and RA Store…

2019/05/31 By

Sharing your Catholic Faith Story: Tools, Tips and Testimonies, by Nancy H.C. Ward

I believe we all have a story. And it’s not done until we have left this world for heaven. I love other people’s stories, reminding me of how God pursues us all differently; the still, small whisper is heard in…

2016/09/18 By

A Lesson in Stewardship

Sunday Readings for September 18, 2016, the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Our society tolerates religion, as long as it keeps to itself. After all, America is about the separation of Church and state, right? Education, entertainment, employment, politics are…

2013/09/22 By

A Lesson in Stewardship

Readings for September 22, 2013: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our society tolerates religion, as long as it keeps to itself.  After all, America is about the separation of Church and state, right?  Education, entertainment, employment, politics are supposed to…

2016/09/06 By

Me? An evangelist?

Did you know that when you were baptized, you were anointed to be an evangelist? Yes, you and I, and every Christian are meant to bring others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. How do we do that? There…

2015/10/31 By

New Evangelizers Round-Up

This past month I have been witness to a plethora of awesome and outstanding work produced by people I follow on Twitter, Facebook and various blogs. Three of these people I’ve come to know on this website; Greg Willits, Nancy…

2022/05/09 By

More Than Roe: Winning Hearts For Life

As of this writing, it looks very likely that Roe v. Wade will soon be overturned. This was the landmark Supreme Court decision that legalized the scourge of abortion in all 50 states. The decision declared that a woman’s right…

2020/09/08 By

Sewing Hope by Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story

Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story with Nancy HC Ward Excerpts from an interview, “Sharing Your Catholic Faith Sorry with Nancy HC Ward” on Breadbox Media’s Sewing Hope. hosted by Anne DeSantis and Billy Snyder Thank you Anne DeSantis and Bill…

2020/01/06 By

Butterflies at Wal-Mart?

“I love your dress!” came at me like a chant from a cheerleader. A second voice echoed, “I love your dress!” I look up to see two joyful women. “Do I know them?” I asked myself. I didn’t come to…

2019/12/04 By

Kendra’s Dilemma: Am I Catholic?

Am I Catholic? A Struggle with Faith, Humility, and Surrendering to God by Kendra Von Esh Kendra was a cradle Catholic but without understanding or practicing the doctrine or engaging in the sacraments. This gifted, rich party girl, whose career…

2019/11/04 By

Bread Upon the Waters

I love stories about real heroes, and Deanna Klingel’s book for young adults is just that. Bread Upon the Water is the true story of Father Tien Duong, a Catholic priest who grew up in the strife and hardship of Communist Vietnam….