With the Jubilee Year of Mercy closing, I thought that it would be an appropriate time to reflect on what, if anything, I have learned about the Mercy of the Lord during this year. It turns out I learned a…
Sunday Readings for November 20, 2016 The Philistines had beaten them, and the Israelites were determined not to let it happen again. So they demanded from God and from his prophet, Samuel, what all the other nations had–a king to…
The examen is an examination of conscience done once or twice a day. There are five steps to it: 1. Give thanks to God our Lord for the benefits I have received 2. Ask for grace to know my sins…
Isn’t it exhausting? All that rule-keeping and striving to be good, doesn’t that just make you tired? The Church calls us to task about how we worship, act, think, pray and speak. Just keeping track of all that stuff is…
We urge you brother’s admonish the idle, cheer the fainthearted, support the weak, be patient with all. See that no one returns to evil for evil, rather, always seek what is good both for each other and for all. Rejoice…
Our last book review covered a great “jump start” book, The Rebuilt Field Guide, one “that anyone can make it through, that any team can use to avoid becoming paralyzed by the myriad of (great!) ideas for evangelizing, and instead…
Sunday Readings for Nov 13 Whenever I lead a trip to the Holy Land, the question inevitably comes, “will we visit Armageddon?’ This refers, of course, to the battlefield surrounding the ancient city of Megiddo where some think the final…
St. Maximilian Kolbe teaches us that “(l)ove does not rest, but spreads like fire consuming everything.” (Aim Higher, 68) In a fire, one tongue may go out but the rest — the fire as a whole — keeps burning. The…
Jesus asks: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow me”. [Luke 9:23] We want to be Jesus’ disciples and so this is something we know he asks of us,…
There is a fiber that runs through my life that I have recently noticed. Twins come in and it is no coincidence. Every time twins come into my life God is directly impacting my life. He is telling me to…