Rules of the Game

The Church is often cut down for having too many rules–or for having rules at all. Jesus came to set captives free; His true Church would never hold people back like this. In her sacraments, her liturgy, her exegesis, and…

Learning in the Vineyard

We’re in the midst of the Octave Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Now, I don’t think this can ever be a happy, celebratory week–as this time of prayer and reflection exists due to our human sinfulness, our giving in…

What would you give up for God?

As the bus curved down a treacherous hill in the pouring rain, I wondered, “What are we doing here?!” Yes, it had been 10 months since I saw my sister and her family who decided to do mission work in…

3 Unexpected Uses for the Rosary

Spiritual Abacus My mind likes to wander, keeping my thoughts on a subject for longer than 15 seconds can sometimes be a challenge. My short attention span wreaked havoc on my ability to complete a Rosary until the Holy Spirit…

Jesus is God’s Answer When Life Is Not Fair

Being a human being in a physical world is not always easy: life is often not fair. We know that justice requires that good be rewarded and evil be punished, but it is clear that this does not always happen:…

The Vocabulary of Change

Not long after the Nativity we celebrate the Epiphany, the twelfth day of Christmas. People who celebrate this holiday recognize it as the arrival of the Magi at the birth of Jesus after a long arduous journey to seek the…


But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly and he will be given it. But he should ask in faith, not doubting, for the one who doubts, is like a…

The 10 Commandments in the Modern World Part 5 – Do Not Kill

When it comes to this commandments, most people think of themselves as scot free regarding the fifth. “I never killed anyone!” And to be sure most of us (I pray) are not murderers. But this commandment goes beyond the mere…

Behold the Lamb of God

Readings for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time The Protestant Church is all about the Bible; the Catholic Church is all about the Sacraments. Right? Not exactly. When it comes to personal Bible reading, Protestants often put Catholics to shame….

Delving Deep in History Brought Me Home

The Coming Home Network International recently published an abbreviated version of my conversion story in their monthly newsletter and online at their website. I decided to reproduce the article in it’s entirety here along with a PDF of the full newsletter at the bottom…