The Truth about Sexuality

Hugh Hefner’s recent passing is an opportunity to reflect on his legacy, the now widely prevalent view of sexuality in the Western world. This is a view that sees any sort of sexual stimulation as legitimate, even good, so long…

Book Review – Why I am Catholic (and You Should Be Too) by Brandon Vogt

One of the greatest commonalities I find among families is that all of us have at least one person who has left the Catholic faith. For those of us with teen or adult children who have left it is often…

Lessons From the Craft Faire

II am something of a vagabond, and a few years ago I had recently moved to a new parish and was delighted to see what a great event they had made of their holiday craft faire.  Holiday boutiques are ubiquitous,…

Let It Go

We’ve all been there. Someone cuts you off in traffic and almost causes an accident. Irresponsible fool. You can’t walk your dog at the local park because there are ten off-leash dogs even though the sign clearly forbids it. Lazy,…

Waiting for Perfection

“Oh Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.” If you are Catholic and you don’t recognize the previous words, to say the least, you…

Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity: Cultivating Virtues for Evangelizers

Have you ever witnessed a sporting event where a tremendously skilled team or player makes an amazing play–but blundered on the “easy” part? Think of a baseball player who hits a home run, and then misses tagging second base. Or,…

Saint Maximilian Kolbe; Apostle of Consecration to Mary

  Everyone seems to know about Fr. Maximillian Kolbe killed at Auschwitz. But do you know his life and how devoted he was to evangelization? Father Kolbe was born Raymond Kolbe On January 8, 1894, in Zdunska Wola, the Kingdom…

Golden Obedience

Make a Box out of acacia wood…. Cover it with pure gold inside and out and put a gold border all around it….Put the two stone tables inside the Box and put the lid on top of it. Exodus 25:…

For Ever and Ever

I am sometimes shocked when I hear people say things like “I want to live forever!” The ones who have that to say are usually young, have no ailments and no real stresses in their life. But “forever”, wow! Times…

God Has Plans for Us

That the blessed and only ruler will make manifest at the proper time, the King of kings and Lord of lords. (1 Timothy 6:15)   Recently I saw a post on Facebook. At first it angered me. Not that someone…