Good Deed Dilemma

So when you give something to a needy person, do not make a big show of it, as the hypocrites do…they do it so people will praise them…but when you help a needy person, do it in such a way…


  Recently my teenage daughter, Ana, has been having friend problems at school. As teenagers they are learning who they are and how they fit in the world. Sometimes to fit they try to change themselves or change others. In…

Tradition That Inspires, Not Stifles Evangelization

Misunderstanding the Catholic meaning of “Tradition” can stifle inklings of innovation, creativity, and new design in our mental models as we seek to evangelize. Let’s start from the beginning… What is Tradition in Catholicism? Three powerful points on the meaning…

A Personal Relationship With God is Possible

On Feb 21st, 2018, Billy Graham, the famous evangelical preacher, died at the age of 99. Graham’s message was simple: God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you. In 2015, he wrote on his web site…

Seasons of Change

In the Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis tells us that “(t)he horror of the Same Old Thing is one of the most valuable possessions we have produced in the human heart…” We hate monotony, sameness. Some of us constantly ask “what’s…

Kathryn Cunningham

Kathryn Cunningham, a contributor to this blog, went to her eternal rest in February. Kathryn began writing here in 2012. I always looked forward to her posts and her wry comments in our email exchanges. Jennifer Willits, the site’s founder,…

Featured Favorite: Making it a Lent of Love

One Ash Wednesday, I made up my mind to lose those stubborn five pounds. I set out to simplify the family meals and eliminate snacks, sugary sodas and desserts. Before I could get the pantry cleaned out, my brother-in-law called…

Friendship and Church?

A few years ago the Alex Williams of The New York Times shared a story mixing anecdote and research called “Friends of a Certain Age.” The basic question is why is it so hard for American to make [good] friends after…

Growing Along With Good News Ministries

I remember back in the early days of my desire to grow in love of God and in knowledge of His word. One of the first steps I took was reading the daily Mass readings (I could not attend daily…

The Poor are Waiting to Evangelize Us

There is a man I know. I’ll call him John. He and his wife collect donations for the poorest of the poor. He knows they are the poorest of the poor because he did his research and found the people…