Usually we think of professionalism as a good thing. But when it comes to the Christian faith, there is a sort of professionalism that is not so good. That is clericalism, the notion that full Christianity is only for the…
“Commit your way to the Lord” –Ps 37:5 Commitment is hard. From taking the first step in a new resolution, to sticking it out when distractions arise, to continuing your commitment when it becomes boring or repetitive—commitment can test our…
A common attack that believers receive from antagonistic atheists is one that involves the Old Testament. The challenger will often quote some law from Leviticus or Deuteronomy like not touching women during menstruation (Leviticus 15:19). Or they will point out…
A while back, I had an exchange with a disheartened young man. He said that he keeps encountering 5 types: “(o)ld, rambling and cynical men; bored, cliquey housewives; clueless and hard-headed men; disinterested and troubled women; and unhelpful, indifferent men…
Tony Agnesi loves to share stories to build up the faith of his readers. And he does it with such enthusiasm and joy! His life experiences with cancer and Hepatitis C, ministry with Pro-Life, youth and prisoners, podcasting and speaking,…
One of the hardest things we do as Christians is to carry our faith out of our churches and out of our homes and into the ordinary, mundane events that make up daily life. Ordinary, mundane, and in our modern…
There are many reasons Catholics don’t pray the Rosary. Some are ignorant of the Rosary because they’ve never been taught. Some have abandoned the practice as “old school”, something their grandmothers did because they didn’t have a real, personal relationship…
When the Lord led his people through a hot, dry desert, they did not suffer from thirst. He made water come from a rock for them; he split the rock open, and water flowed out. Isaiah 48:21 Isaiah said the…
For God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts to give the light of knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:6) Darkness: How…
If our idea of salvation isn’t God’s idea, then (spoiler alert!) by extension the Good News that we proclaim and announce isn’t going to be truly Good. Earlier this year, the Congregation for the Doctrine [aka Teaching] of the Faith, published…