Editor’s note: Today we welcome Kelly Wahlquist to the New Evangelizers blogging team! I have never been the picture of the typical American Woman, because I loathe shopping. To me it is a waste of precious time, and thus I am…
Continuing our ongoing discussion of Disciples Called to Witness: The New Evangelization If I’m honest with you, I was tempted to skim through this final section, Part V: “Key Components of Outreach Programs.” But then I read the first two…
Editor’s note: Today we welcome Krissie Allen to the New Evangelizers blogging team! Years ago my devoutly Catholic father placed “We Vote Pro-Life” bumper stickers on the back of all his children’s cars, including mine. As a fourth-commandment-keeping kind of daughter,…
During my six years in the military, I learned the key to good leadership: lead by example. In the same way, we can share our faith by evangelizing by example, and it can be one of the most powerful ways…
Editor’s note: Today we welcome Glenna Bradshaw to the New Evangelizers blogging team! “Catholicism is a celebration, in words and imagery, of the God who takes infinite delight in bringing human beings to the fullness of life.” So says Fr. Robert…
Editor’s note: Today we welcome Celeste Behe to the New Evangelizers blogging team! I’m fascinated by words: their origins, meanings, and sounds. I especially like to think about whether the sound of a given word suits its definition. Take the word…
I have been teaching high school theology for 11 years and I noticed remarkable shifts in the minds of the youth. Some are positive. When I first began, they were about 50/50 on abortion. Now they are closer to 80%-90% pro…
Editor’s note: Today we welcome Nancy Ward to the New Evangelizers blogging team! The business trip with my husband to a technical conference in Colorado became a mini-vacation for me. I was on my own during the day with the hotel…
The Year of Faith Note is broken up into seven sections, so my two-part summary will use those same headings. The purpose of this Note is to unpack the Pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic Letter, Porta Fidei and give practical advice on the…
Continuing our ongoing discussion of Disciples Called to Witness: The New Evangelization The title of Part IV, “Culture of Witness,” gives me the call-to-action I need. The bishops (as usual) waste no time getting right to the heart of the…