“The footsteps of those who bring good news is a welcome sound. Not everyone, of course listens to the Good News …So Faith comes from what is preached, and what is preached comes from the…
Understanding how Catholicism differs from other Christian denominations can be difficult; explaining it can be even more difficult. As I studied the differences, I realized that it hinges on three key ideas – the ABCs of Catholicism. What are the…
Readings for September 23, 2012: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B Recently a prominent CEO told a mixed group of business leaders that, regardless of their religion, they simply had to read the Bible. Why? Because success in business…
Each day, much of the world’s adult population sets out to labour whether for others or themselves. A great number set out with the hope of finding work, and others will unfortunately have no hope of finding any work. Work,…
In March of 2011 at the Catholic Writers Guild Online Writer’s Conference, I was fortunate to take part in Sarah Reinhard‘s blogging workshop. Toward the end of the week, Jennifer Fitz started discussing starting a Catholic Writers Guild (CWG) blog….
When my nose isn’t in a book (and it isn’t nearly as much as I’d like), I love nothing more than to talk books with someone who enjoys reading as much as I do. And when the person who’s talking…
Why should we believe in God? I usually start my first theology class by asking my students this. Most of them have spent years in Catholic school, but they are flummoxed to find an answer. “Because the Bible says so.” …
For years I have struggled with how my gifts from God were being used for His glory. Even after attending an intense Called and Gifted seminar I wondered if my fiction writing was a talent or a charism. And then,…
In my experience, few Catholics read the letters written by our Popes. I myself am new to the reading Church documents unless assigned as part of classes I was taking or teaching. I would like to see more people reading…
Readings for September 16, 2012: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B Pentecostal preachers shout it. Monks chant it. Most Christians end every prayer with it. But what does “Amen” really mean? Is it just a pious way to “log…