Keep Peace or Give a Piece of my Mind

Peace is something most people I know yearn for. We want to believe Jesus when he says he has the peace that surpasses all understanding and that it is for us. It is, but it comes slowly, with deliberate effort…

Taking Aggressive Action

Readings for September 30, 2012: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B Radio talk show hosts make a living on it.  Day after day, they bring before our eyes stupid, unjust and wasteful situations in order to provoke outrage.  We…

7 Tips for Parishes Using Facebook in the New Evangelization

At last count, there are over 800 million Facebook users. Chances are, there are many people in your parish using Facebook every day. It’s necessary for parishes to develop a strong social media presence to connect with their members and…

Staying Catholic: Jack T. Chick and the New Evangelization

The moment I returned to the Catholic Church, Jack T. Chick, the infamous anti-Catholic cartoonist, entered my life.  Well-meaning friends from my evangelical congregation took me aside.  They were genuinely concerned: Did I not know that the Catholic Church was…

Catholic Stuff You Should Know

Highlighting New Evangelizers: Catholic Stuff You Should Know Podcast

If it wasn’t for the Catholic Stuff You Should Know podcast, I wouldn’t laugh nearly as much as I learned about annulments, Aquinas’ five proofs for the existence of God, and why being called “father” isn’t optional for priests (given…

Listening to the Voice of Jesus

            “The footsteps of those who bring good news is a welcome sound. Not everyone, of course listens to the Good News …So Faith comes from what is preached, and what is preached comes from the…

The ABCs of Catholicism

Understanding how Catholicism differs from other Christian denominations can be difficult; explaining it can be even more difficult. As I studied the differences, I realized that it hinges on three key ideas – the ABCs of Catholicism. What are the…

Anatomy of Envy

Readings for September 23, 2012: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B Recently a prominent CEO told a mixed group of business leaders that, regardless of their religion, they simply had to read the Bible. Why?  Because success in business…

The Divinity of Work

Each day, much of the world’s adult population sets out to labour whether for others or themselves. A great number set out with the hope of finding work, and others will unfortunately have no hope of finding any work. Work,…

A Good Idea for Someone Else

In March of 2011 at the Catholic Writers Guild Online Writer’s Conference, I was fortunate to take part in Sarah Reinhard‘s blogging workshop. Toward the end of the week, Jennifer Fitz started discussing starting a Catholic Writers Guild (CWG) blog….