Highlighting New Evangelizers: Catholic Vitamins

Catholic Vitamins Hosts - Deacon Tom and Dee

I can’t use the word “blessings” without thinking of a deacon who lives in Arizona.

It all started back in the days when Lisa Hendey was podcasting (remember that?) and one of her contributors shared a “Deacon Moment.”

Deacon Tom Fox always touched my heart with his reflections. At the end of each segment, he would say “Blessings!” in a tone of voice that conveyed such a love and enthusiasm for our Catholic faith that I couldn’t help but smile.

In fact, I’m smiling as I think about it.

Deacon Tom has since graduated to his own podcasting ventures, and his co-host is none other than his lovely wife, Dee.

They’ve lapped the alphabet at least four times by my count, using a letter to stand for a “Catholic Vitamin” that will not only make you smile, but will also give you practical ways to grow in your faith life.

In the two or so years since I’ve been taking my Catholic Vitamins, I haven’t missed an episode. I consider it an essential part of my faith diet.

Try taking a Catholic Vitamin or two. I think you’ll find yourself better for it!

Copyright © 2012, Sarah Reinhard

Sarah Reinhard

Sarah Reinhard

Sarah Reinhard continues to be shocked and delighted that her life as a grown-up involve horses, writing, and sparkly dress shoes. In her work in the New Evangelization as a Catholic wife, mom, writer, parish employee, and catechist, she’s learned a lot of lessons, had a lot of laughs, and consumed mass amounts of coffee. She’s online at SnoringScholar.com and CatholicMom.com, and is the author of a number of books.

One response to “Highlighting New Evangelizers: Catholic Vitamins”

  1. podmandan says:

    Sarah, Excellent profile on Deacon Tom and Dee Fox and their Catholic Vitamins podcast. I also find spiritual nourishment from their podcast for my faith journey. It’s a blessing to listen to their show each week. I also recommend others to take their Catholic Vitamins!
    Prayers and Blessings,

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