Evangelization by Listening

The goal of evangelization is not to win arguments. If you are a reader of this website, you probably come here sometimes for answers on how best to answer some religious objection you’ve encountered or for some new way to…

The End of Penance

We have now left the penitential season of Lent. For many of us, as soon as this time ended, we dropped our Lenten sacrifices like a bad habit. In some sense, this is right and proper since we are not…

40 Days After Easter

We are in the Easter Season. It always struck me as a strange quirk of our modern society that we have such a hard time keeping track of the liturgical seasons. All throughout Advent, people say that we are in…

Control is an Illusion

It is natural for us as human beings to want to exercise some control over our lives. Each of us use our wits, our effort, our strength to try to make the world a better place for ourselves. For many…

Weak Faith is Still Faith

I was listening to a talk by Dr. Jordan Peterson. A few years ago, Dr. Peterson became prominent on the internet for his bold views on many things. This essay is not an endorsement nor is it a condemnation of…

Die Before You Die

“Die before you die. There is no chance after.” CS Lewis, Till We Have Faces Sometimes death scares me. I wish I was a braver and more stoic person, but I have to be honest. If you are anything like…

Make Prayer a Habit

Relationships need time spent together. A relationship with Jesus is no different. If we are seeking to maintain a relationship with him, we need to make sure that we are spending regular time with him. This is, of course, time…

The Freedom of Voluntary Sacrifice

A few years ago, my wife had her job downsized. It was quite a shock to both of us, as you can imagine. We began to worry about making our mortgage payments or if we had enough money for our…

Does God Want Us Rich?

Does God want us rich? Prosperous? Powerful? Some people say so. They claim that all you have to do is visualize it, will it, and riches and prosperity will come your way, because God wants to make us rich. But…

Giving Thanks and letting go

Book Review: Giving Thanks and Letting Go: Reflections of the Gift of Motherhood

So often mothers bemoan the passing time because they feel left behind as their children leave to embrace their own lives. Danielle Bean’s book, Giving Thanks and Letting Go: Reflections of the Gift of Motherhood is an antidote to those…