The sixth Station of the Cross is Veronica wiping the face of Jesus. While this story does not appear in any of the Gospel accounts of the Passion, it has become an important source of meditation when thinking about the…
Christianity is an historical religion. We make claims of history. Unlike other religions from the ancient world, the central story of our faith is based in fact, not myth. If you were to ask an ancient Roman about when Hercules…
What is the meaning of life? It sounds like a trite question, but it’s one we all ask: what’s it all for? What is really important? Why are we here? Society offers an answer: the purpose of life is to…
“The threat of abortion remains our preeminent priority because it directly attacks life itself because it takes place within the sanctuary of the family and because of the number of lives destroyed…” The US Catholic Bishops made the above statement…
If you are anything like me, watching the news about our country is very upsetting. We are all Americans and yet we often appear more and more divided. To be honest, I have spent less and less time watching the…
“To err is human“, famously wrote Alexander Pope. This is very true. But what do we do about it? When people err, the modern approach as seen on social media seems to be to condemn them for it, and if…
Every year we make New Year’s resolutions. When the calendar resets, we often take that as a moment to hit the reset button on our lives. There is nothing magical about the change in date, but it speaks to the…
A few years ago, I took a test to see what my “love language” is. Your “love language” means that this is the main way in which you give and perceive love with others. For some, their “love language” is…
Today, more and more people speak as if truth is something they can will for themselves rather than something that is real, independent of ourselves. Then, through various forms of exercise of power, mostly using words and the condemning of…
CS Lewis in his influential book The Problem of Pain makes an argument that explains the presence of evil in the world as a consequence of free will. In his chapter on “Divine Omnipotence,” Lewis states “Again, the freedom of…