Ignorance of Scripture Is Ignorance of Christ

Readings for January 27, 2013: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C There is a myth that we must lay to rest, once and for all–Protestants are all about the Bible, while Catholics are all about the Sacraments.  While I…

The Lighthouse

For millennia, sailors have ventured out to open treacherous seas. Some go for adventure, some go for profit, and others go for battle. Once they have set sail, they expose themselves to the unforgiving elements of which they have little…

10 Tips for Teaching Your Children to Pray

As the mother of five children, finding time to pray can be a distinct challenge. Another daunting task on my plate? Teaching my children how to pray. 1. Start simple. Set a small goal — in our house, we started…

10 Ways to Support Evangelization Even When Your Parish Is Falling Apart

Last month I opened a thorny topic that had been posed to me by a fellow Catholic: How do I evangelize when my local parish is mired in dissent or disorder? My answer was built around how to think about…

Why are we still waiting?

In the old version of the mass, the priest would invite us to proclaim the mystery of faith, and we would sing: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. The first sentence is in the past tense. …


On the last day of 2012 the readings of the Church gave us an odd juxtaposition.  The first reading from the first letter of John (2:18-19) continues the “preparation” warnings of Advent.  We are cautioned, “it is the last hour.”…

3rd Grade Evangelization

A mom relayed this story to me about her son’s evangelization plan.  After Mass he told his mom he had a great idea on how to use the flyers from children’s liturgy. He would take them and make them into…

The Cana Connection

Readings for January 20, 2013: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time In the past two weeks, the Church has celebrated the Epiphany and the Lord’s baptism. This coming Sunday we remember the Wedding Feast at Cana. What’s the connection between the…

The “gift” of a mother’s tears

It seems odd that shortly after celebrating our Lord’s birth, we are thrown into Lent commemorating His passion, death, and resurrection. I remember our late pastor saying that  sometimes your Lent comes after a loved one dies.  Sometimes your Lent…

Mary the Magnificent

Mild, meek, pregnant, servant-of-the-Lord Mary takes a trip to see her cousin Elizabeth, who is miraculously pregnant in her own right. Elizabeth sees Mary and John the Baptist leaps in Elizabeth’s womb at the sound of Mary’s voice. Filled with…