Opening My Eyes to the Grief of Abortion

As I write this, there are many people marching the streets across the U.S. in opposition of the anniversary of the death sentence for unborn children, Rowe v. Wade. Over 250,000 people storm Washington, DC annually to protest abortion in…

The Accidental Evangelist: An Interview with Michael Behe

Michael Behe is a professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA. His book, Darwin’s Black Box, argues that the existence of the natural world is better explained by the purposeful action of a designer…

Give Away The Things You Want

“If you want more of something, then give away what you have,” Fr. Nick Schneider preached on a recent Sunday at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit.  “If you want more joy, then give joy to others. If you want…

Confidence in the Faith, our Youth Ministry Retreat, and Xtreme Discipleship

This past weekend I served and assisted in a Youth Ministry themed: “Confidence in the Faith.” Appropriate for the Year of Faith and the Holy Father’s call for the New Evangelization, it was also appropriate for what we discerned from…

Evangelization Begins From Within

There is a common phrase that states, “change begins from within,” and as one of the greatest changes we will ever experience, we must realize that evangelization begins from within, as well. At some point in your life, you may…

Ignorance of Scripture Is Ignorance of Christ

Readings for January 27, 2013: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C There is a myth that we must lay to rest, once and for all–Protestants are all about the Bible, while Catholics are all about the Sacraments.  While I…

The Lighthouse

For millennia, sailors have ventured out to open treacherous seas. Some go for adventure, some go for profit, and others go for battle. Once they have set sail, they expose themselves to the unforgiving elements of which they have little…

10 Tips for Teaching Your Children to Pray

As the mother of five children, finding time to pray can be a distinct challenge. Another daunting task on my plate? Teaching my children how to pray. 1. Start simple. Set a small goal — in our house, we started…

10 Ways to Support Evangelization Even When Your Parish Is Falling Apart

Last month I opened a thorny topic that had been posed to me by a fellow Catholic: How do I evangelize when my local parish is mired in dissent or disorder? My answer was built around how to think about…

Why are we still waiting?

In the old version of the mass, the priest would invite us to proclaim the mystery of faith, and we would sing: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. The first sentence is in the past tense. …