Time to Take Action: Lawn Chair Catechism Coming Your Way

You’re all fired up, Jennifer, but what are you planning to do about this? I love to read Catholic stuff.  It makes me happy and warm inside, the way some people get a kick out of greeting cards or football…

When NET Ministries Evangelized Me

NET Ministries evangelized me at a DWeek retreat in 2001 at the age of 17. NET stands for National Evangelization Teams, and DWeek stands for Discipleship Week. Though they are based in Minnesota, it is a national outreach. Young adults fly…

Our Role in Ministry

As we mature in our faith, we naturally want to become more involved in the activities of our parish and community, but it leads to a new problem: understanding our role in ministry. If a new opportunity for volunteering fits…

Pentecost: Call to Activate

Readings for May 19, 2013: Pentecost As a teen, I thought the clergy were supposed to do everything. We laity were just called to pray, pay, and obey. Oh yes, and keep the commandments, of course. The original 10 seemed…

Giving all to receive Jesus

Ever since I was a small child, I knew in my heart that what happened during Consecration was something beyond this earth, something AWEsome, in the true sense of the word. Although I didn’t understand it all, I knew and felt this…

The Wound of Individualism

The wound of individualism is the spotlight for part four of my blog series using the Holy Family’s example to fight the Five Wounds of Secularization (Busyness, Consumerism/Materialism, Violence/Revenge, Individualism, and Entitlement).  Previous posts in this series on the Five…

Mary, Our Mother of the Bible

As a born-again Catholic—or as some like to call it, a “revert”—something new upon “coming home,” that had not been a part of my life previously, was a devotion to Mary.  Actually, I believe it was Mary who brought me…

Saint Peter, One of Us

I sometimes imagine a dialogue between God and Humanity where we complain to Him. HUMANITY: God, you are too far above us!  How can we ever hope to be perfect as You are perfect? GOD:  I understand.  So I shall…

Why I’m Catholic: Acts of the Apostles

Why I’m Catholic: Acts of the Apostles When I get asked why I go to a Catholic church or what made me “decide to be Catholic” (which is the usual way people ask), my answer is simple—the Acts of the…

Prayer and Evangelization

I don’t know what you spend your days doing, but my job is to draw (though sometimes I feel like I am trying to lure) people to the Church.  I have passion and am very dedicated to what I do…