
Refuting New Abortion Arguments

In the last few decades, I believe that we have been winning the culture war on abortion. When I first started teaching, I would say that the majority of my students were in favor of abortion. As the years have…

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To Recharge, Make Time to Pray

To be human is to have limited strength and endurance. Sometimes what we need to do exceeds those limits. Is there anything that can be done? Well, what did Jesus do? Yes, he was God, but he was like us…

The Long Defeat and Final Victory

JRR Tolkien, the author of The Lord of the Rings once wrote: “I am a Christian, and indeed a Roman Catholic, so that I do not expect ‘history’ to be anything but a ‘long defeat’ – though it contains (and…

Love the Person, Not Your Story of Them

St. Teresa of Calcutta once said “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” Throughout the Gospels, Christ warns us so much against judging others. This is partially a practical consideration, since none of us can see…

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We are all procrastinators, some more than others. To procrastinate means to put off doing something, to do it later instead of now. Procrastination can be dangerous when it comes to our spiritual life, because it delays or even stops…

The Corpse Groom: Adam and Christ

The story of Adam and Eve is one of the most familiar stories in all of Scripture. God makes man and woman and places them in the Garden of Eden. In the center of this paradise were two trees: The…

Faith in Science

This article is a follow up to the one I wrote last month about Faith and Science. As I wrote there, while modern people have a strange notion that scientific truth and religious truth are in conflict, the reality is…

Made to Be Gift – The Theology of the Body

One of the hallmarks of Pope St. John Paul II’s spiritual teachings was his “Theology of the Body.” When looking at how the modern world had lost the meaning of marriage, the great pope called Catholics back to its original…


How to Forgive

Unless we forgive, we cannot be forgiven, but since we are all sinners and in need of forgiveness, this means we must forgive: it is the way to life. But forgiveness is not easy. In fact, it’s sometimes one of…

Sewing Hope by Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story

Sharing Your Catholic Faith Story with Nancy HC Ward Excerpts from an interview, “Sharing Your Catholic Faith Sorry with Nancy HC Ward” on Breadbox Media’s Sewing Hope. hosted by Anne DeSantis and Billy Snyder Thank you Anne DeSantis and Bill…