The Role of Prayer in Evangelization

Editor’s note: Today we welcome Jean Heimann to our New Evangelizers blogging team. “Prayer is the gate through which all the graces of God come to us.” ~ St. Teresa of Avila To be an effective evangelizer, one must be…

What God Has Joined

While beginning this article, I am reminded of a moment in C.S. Lewis’s The Problem of Pain where he was greatly worried about sounding callous to the suffering of others.  “How can I saw with sufficient tenderness what needs to…

Conversion: It’s What’s in the Middle

Imagine you’re playing a trivia game and in the final round, your team draws the question, “Name the Biblical figure who parted the Red Sea.” Moses. Phew. That was an easy one. For anyone who’s spent time around virtually any…

In A Fog

In late June the Church celebrates the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.  When I think of Peter, the person, I always experience a variety of mixed emotions.  I am amused by his brashness.  I am surprised by how dumb…

Being God’s Instrument

Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed with the job in front of you? As a parent, I know my job is to get my family to heaven. Which is a worthy goal and a never-ending task. And completely impossible to…

Campaigning for Christ

I work in a parish and because it is a small one I wear more than one hat. This summer I am working on a PR proposal for the parish.  The parish bulletin just isn’t enough when we are all…

Martha and Mary

Readings for July 21, 2013: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time I once got a harsh letter from a Baptist lady protesting that she could not find the word “Catholic” anywhere in the Bible. True, the earliest occurrence of the term…

Fatherhood, Short and Sweet

Becoming a dad transformed my life and improved it exponentially. I could wax poetically on the subject of fatherhood, but nobody really enjoys poetic waxing, so here’s is a post on fatherhood, short and sweet. On Father’s Day, I heard…

2013 We Need a Miracle Giving Campaign

2013 We Need a Miracle Giving Campaign

Dear Friend, We are elated to share with you it has now been TEN YEARS since Rosary Army first went online and started offering tools and resources for the New Evangelization to the world. Since then, we’ve added several new…

Applauding Google’s “No Porn” Stance for Glass

My radio segment recently on The Son Rise Morning Show with Brian Patrick broached the topic of Google’s recent decision to ban a particular adult-oriented (read“pornography”) “Glassware” application on the new Google Glass device. If you’re looking at that sentence and have no idea…