Evangelization and The Secret Weapon of St. Francis de Sales

Lately I have been contemplating a long sought-after virtue practiced and promoted by the renowned evangelist, St. Francis de Sales, who converted approximately 40,000 people in four years.  St. Francis de Sales was a bishop during the Protestant reformation and…

Light the Fire of the New Evangelization

Often times, when I am reading a book a particular line or paragraph jumps out and grabs a hold of me. Such was the case while reading Greg Willits’ new book The New Evangelization and You: Be Not Afraid.  His…


I must admit with some degree of embarrassment that I am uncontrollably drawn to one of the newest “hot series” on network TV: Scandal.  It’s a show that portrays what are supposed to be some of our noblest leaders in…

Abandon Parish!

Life at your parish just hasn’t been the same.  Attendance is falling, rumors are spreading, and morale is sliding.  Like a sinking ship, you decide it’s time to abandon parish! There are plenty of valid reasons for wanting to change…

A Lesson in Stewardship

Readings for September 22, 2013: Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our society tolerates religion, as long as it keeps to itself.  After all, America is about the separation of Church and state, right?  Education, entertainment, employment, politics are supposed to…

Got problems? Turn to Saint Padre Pio.

I recently prayed to God for a conversion of a dying soul and that of his family.  So deep were the hurts in this family that I began to despair that the family would reconcile with their father before he…

Taking the Gospels on the Chin

It must have been tough to be a disciple of Jesus. You’re on top of the world following the Master; you get to feeling all bubbly and happy. Life is good. You’re ready to hold hands and sing Kumbaya all…

Sometimes Evangelization is Messy!

It was a simple day in the liturgical year, the 22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time, but it wasn’t ordinary by any means. It was the day we recognized the Blessed Mother’s birthday, September 8. With that bit of knowledge in…

Confession: A Gift That’s Always in Season

People once lined up for “Cabbage Patch” dolls and “Tickle Me Elmos” before Christmas.  I haven’t a clue what the gotta-have-it Christmas item will be this year, but there’s always a line forming somewhere for that special something. That’s exactly…

The Cure d' Erie: Father Larry Richards

The Cure d’ Erie: Father Larry Richards

I have just read the post by Pete Socks where he spoke of his interview with Fr. Larry Richards.  I would recommend reading his article “Pray for our Priests” and his interview at CatholicBookBlogger.com if you have not already done…