The Challenge of Humility

Benjamin Franklin wrote in his autobiography, In reality, there is, perhaps, no one of our natural passions so hard to subdue as pride. Disguise it, struggle with it, beat it down, stifle it, mortify it as much as one pleases,…

Small Things; Great Love

Just as each person’s faith is lived out in a way that is uniquely theirs, so to our evangelization efforts.  Since I work in a parish as a full-time employee I have many opportunities to spread the Word; indeed, that…

Will There Be Marriage in the Afterlife?

Readings for November 10, 2013: Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time Given their history, it seems rather strange.  After all, for hundreds of years the Jews lived alongside a race that was totally preoccupied with life after death.  The Egyptians built…

Who Needs Church Buildings?

Readings for November 9, 2013: Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome As a rebellious teenager, I thought that Catholics should stop wasting their money on expensive churches.  We ought to sell them all and buy food…

Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity

As the Year of Faith draws to a close later this month, Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, whose feast day is today, has much to say to us about the love of God which should “impel” us toward a more…

Being a Missionary

In his morning tweet earlier this week, Pope Francis thanked missionaries who “quietly work hard”: I thank all missionaries, men and women who quietly work hard for the Lord and their brothers and sisters. — Pope Francis (@Pontifex) November 4, 2013…

An Interview with Greg Willits on the New Evangelization

An Interview with Greg Willits on the New Evangelization

This week I would like to share my recent interview with New Evangelizers’ very own Greg Willits. This interview originally appeared on my blog at Enjoy! PETE: In the early part of your book The New Evangelization and You:…

Prayer Meetings: Evangelization in Action

Have you ever been to a prayer meeting? I went to my first prayer meeting in 1973 in a high school gym filled with hundreds of lay men and women and a few nuns and priests. What my husband told…

As for Me and My House

Each family must decide what matters to them most.  “As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”  -Joshua 24:15, NAB Joshua 24:15 looks good in a painting.  It inspires others as a plaque on our wall.  It’s…

Will You Open the Door for God’s Offer of Grace?

Readings for November 3, 2013: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Tax collectors have never been popular.  But in Roman Palestine, they were particularly hated.  It was bad enough that they collaborated with the foreign oppressors.  It’s understandable that the Jews…