Lyrics of Life

It seems to me that many of us are listening to the music but no one is paying attention to the lyrics.

Recently, I was driving on one of my road trips and a great tune came on the radio. The music was upbeat, the singer’s voice had great range and variation, and the musical composition, as whole, was extremely enjoyable.  I didn’t pay attention to the lyrics but simply moved my head and body to the beat and got all caught up in pleasurable feelings, while trying to keep an eye on traffic. After the set had finished, I was able to catch the artist’s name.

Later that night I looked up the song on the internet. I felt a sick nauseating pain in the pit of my stomach when I actually read the lyrics and finally understood what I had enjoyed so much only a few hours earlier. How can something so sweet and beautiful be so vile?

Many of us go through the same scenario daily as we live out our Christian lives. Many of us focus on the big picture – you know, love your neighbor, acts of charity, good works – the basics. Yet I ask you, how many of us actually pay attention to what we are actually doing? Are we being consistent with the teachings of our faith?  Are we paying attention to the ‘Christian Lyrics’ in our lives?

For example, how many of us support politicians who support abortion and euthanasia? How many of us go speak to authority figures in the educational system who allow our children to be exposed to teachings contrary to our beliefs rather  than focusing on the 3 R’s?

How many of us have allowed out children to get involved in activities contrary to our faith? How many of us allow our employers to go unchallenged when they adopt and promote anti-Christian or anti-family policies?

I know many of us do not intentionally go out of our way to live lives contrary to our Christian  beliefs – we are simply focusing on the music and forgetting about the lyrics. Sadly this comes with grave consequences for ourselves, our families, and our society. It erodes the foundation of fulfilling Christian lives.

When we eventually reflect back we realize just how far we have strayed from where our Lord Jesus Christ wants to lead us. That is when you get that sick nauseating pain in the pit of your stomach. Unfortunately many times it is far too late to do anything about the consequences.

We wonder off the beaten path travelled by our Christian ancestors and get lost during our journey, getting caught up in the woods. The view may be nice but eventually we realize we brought no provisions with us to sustain us while waiting to be rescued..

Lost, cold, and hungry, we become vulnerable…spiritually vulnerable.  At this point we either become prey and get devoured, or we pray and ask the Lord for guidance and deliverance.

But why let it get to this point? A good captain will navigate a ship away from an approaching storm, not into it, by planning well ahead and focusing on his ‘navigational lyrics’. Taking unnecessary risks places the passengers, staff, and shipments in peril. Why would you place your own soul and those of your family, friends and loved ones in peril?

Just as a reminder, our lyrics start with the words – “In the beginning…”

Copyright © 2013, Luciano Corbo

Luciano Corbo

Luciano Corbo

Luciano Corbo holds a Master of Arts - Integrated Studies from Athabasca University. His major interests are Culture, Work, Organizations and Leadership, within a context of Catholic Social Teaching Principles. He writes from Canada.

One response to “Lyrics of Life”

  1. […] at New Evangelizers, Luciano Corbo wrote about he was caught up in a song and it filled him with exhilaration.  When he looked up the lyrics, he felt […]

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