Not Ideas, but Jesus

Christians today do not have to look long or hard to notice a key characteristic of both the modern world and the modern church: conflict over ideas. Some of these conflicts are longstanding: the Reformation, for example. Others are brand…

Reclaiming the Strangeness of Christianity

I used to teach a class on world religions. In the process of my research, I became fascinated with the different belief systems that developed all over the word. When studying these religions, especially the Eastern ones, I was able…

Lessons from the Fall of King David

To this day, King David is revered as the greatest of the Old Testament kings. God directed Samuel to the house of Jesse to find someone after God’s own heart to lead His people Israel (1 Samuel 13:14). The prophet…

Jesus Wants to Save

The Christian life is difficult, but why? Is the difficulty because God doesn’t want people to be saved? Are we to think that he will reluctantly save only the few who make it through his “obstacle course”? Sometimes some of…

See the Good in Others

I don’t know if you are like me, but I constantly have to fight against making snap judgments. For example, at my church, there is one non-handicap space towards the front of the building. In the morning, I try to…

Why I Need Confession

Very often you hear the question, “Why do I need to go tell my sins to a priest? Why can’t I just go to God directly?” There are many wiser and holier people than me who have handled this subject….

Want Jesus More

One of the most difficult things about the Christian life is that it comes at a price: we may have to let go of things to which we are very attached, in order to attach ourselves to Jesus. What if…

A Divided Mind At Prayer

I have many, many faults. This should not be news to anyone who knows me. This is especially true when it comes to my spiritual life. I have been graced with a number of mentors and spiritual directors that have…

St. Ambrose, Bishops, and Abortion

Towards the end of the 4th century, St. Ambrose took his life into his hands. Ambrose was a man who did not want to be bishop. In fact, in the city of Milan when the previous bishop died, there was…

Understanding the Love of Jesus

As Christians, we believe God loves us, and Jesus shows that love. We look at the cross to remind us: it shows us how much he loves us and to what extent he will go for love of us. So…