If you want to make something happen, put it on the calendar. Want to exercise more? Set days and times aside for exercising. Can’t seem to find time for prayer or Bible study? You can’t just hope you’ll “find the…
Previous posts in this series: Part 1: The Path, Part 2: The Rocks, Part 3: The Thorns. The final part of our series reflection on the Parable of the Sower is the happy ending. Now, I am a firm believer…
In every human being there is a curious trait. Have you ever made, directed or organized something? You know, not necessarily a great work of literature or Fortune 500 Company or a breathtaking work of art. Anything: a finger painting,…
A few weeks ago, I spent 30 hours with 40 8th graders in our parish’s Confirmation Boot Camp. Every year, one of the topics we bumble through is evangelization. Seriously: can we just strike that from the topic list? Plllleeeease?…
Readings for June 22, 2014: Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) The Catholic Church teaches the doctrine of transubstantiation, namely, that in the Eucharist, the communion wafer and the altar wine are transformed and…
Recently, I began corresponding with a young man who once walked down a dark, destructive path. Eric is sentenced to twenty years in a Jamestown, ND prison for his third drug offense. He tracked me down through my publisher after…
The God Particles: Part One can be found here. Fact & Belief “Objective knowledge provides us with powerful instruments for the achievements of certain ends, but the ultimate goal itself and the longing to reach it must come from another…
This June not only the USA but 55 other countries around the world will honor the roles fathers play in the family and the community. This modern secular holiday invites us to ask a very important question – what does…
Seven times he said, “Go, look again!” (1 Kings 18: 41-46) Two weeks ago we celebrated Pentecost. Within the next week the school year ended and life has taken on a whole new energy. What do we do with all…
How do I know if my local church is making disciples? Whether you’re a person in the pew, volunteer leader, minister, staff, pastor, or parish council member–you should care. Your local church has the unique mission to foster initial and ongoing…