Before you get too far into reading this post, I want to tell you there is no answer to that question here. At least not yet. However, there will be an answer in my next post two weeks from now….
Readings for February 1, 2015: Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time I’ve read many term papers in my day. Most of them are no more than a patchwork of quotes. That’s because college students are smart enough to know that they…
For quite some time, now my heart has been stolen by one of the iconic images of the faith. I am completely smitten by this picture every time I see it almost to the point of not being able to…
The New Evangelization seems new and exciting here in the United States. People talk about it a lot. We plan lots of events and programs to support the New Evangelization. And sometimes, we even overuse the phrase. But, ecumenism? Now…
Readings for January 25, 2015: Third Sunday of Ordinary Time Peter and Andrew were businessmen. So were their neighbors, James and John. They tried to wring a living out of the Sea of Galilee, and it probably took nearly all…
This Sunday when you are at Mass, take a moment to look around you. Observe how many women are wearing a chapel veil. Chances are that with great difficulty you may find several, if any. There was a time once,…
“No believer in Christ can be separate from the supreme beauty; of proclaiming Christ to all the people’.” — Pope John Paul II, Vatican City, Sept. 19, 2003 What is the role of Catholic radio in evangelization? For many years,…
So you’re standing around before Mass and the priest says to you, “Listen, I’m busy. So I’ve decided to draw a line. I know you’re properly prepared to receive Holy Communion, and there’s absolutely nothing in Church teaching or discipline…
What does it mean to be a saint? In ancient times, this could mean anyone who is a part of the Christian community. Today when we speak of saints, we are talking about those people of heroic grace and virtue…
Ordinary Time, the color green, this year we are listening to Mark tell us about Jesus’ ministry and maybe, just maybe it seems a bit – well, ordinary. And it is. And it should be. But let us not be…