56 Then a maid, seeing him as he sat in the light and gazing at him, said, “This man also was with him.” 57 But he denied it, saying, “Woman, I do not know him.” 58 And a little later someone else saw…
I recently had the pleasure of attending Sean McAfee’s class on the Social Media Magisterium. Among the readings was Pope Paul VI’s 1972 Message for the World Social Communications Day. The theme that year was “The Media of Social Communications…
We just started another great season! No, it’s not the Easter season, although that wonderful season just around the corner. I’m talking about baseball season. Excuse my enthusiasm, but I like baseball. It means I get to start coaching hitters…
Isn’t it remarkable: the occasions that Jesus’ own people want to kill him follow instances when He quotes Scripture couplets to them? Of course it’s remarkable; let’s look at three cases. In Luke 4 (edited), Jesus begins his public ministry after 40…
So here it is, mid-Lent. Are you having one of those “déjà vu” moments where you wake up and realize that you haven’t really been paying attention to the season? There was Ash Wednesday and then Sunday and then Sunday…and? …
If you’ve been talking to friends, family, or co-workers who’ve left the Church, you may have heard the explanation, “I just didn’t get anything out of Mass.” As believers set on knowing, loving, and sharing the faith, there are so…
I enjoy social media. I started out on Facebook when my daughter did a semester abroad in Australia. It was much easier to keep up with her that way given the time difference and not the best internet access. I…
Rejoice* in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! I have always thought that this command from the letter to the Philippians is an easy one to follow. I have thought of it mostly while singing at Mass,…
A few weeks ago I was speaking with a friend, who identifies himself as a devout Catholic, and asked him what parish he attended. “I don’t go to Mass” was his answer. “I keep the sabbath by spending time a…
When the new YouTube Kids app was announced, I was excited. Granted, my own “kids” are 23 and 20 so it likely won’t get much use unless I’m visiting my nephews and niece. But I thought immediately of the days…