You Can’t Win

You can’t win. You can’t. But that’s nothing new. Jesus and John faced the same problem: “But to what shall I compare this generation? It is like children sitting in the market places and calling to their playmates, ‘We piped…

From Hub to Heart, via Medjugorje

At the Catholic Men’s Conference in Boston in 2010, Andy LaVallee met Jim Caviezel, not knowing he portrayed Jesus in The Passion of Christ. Jim dared Andy to go with him to Medjugorje, an obscure, poor village in Croatia. For…

Making Sense of Institutional Evangelization

A lot of “New Evangelization” talk gravitates towards questions of how to re-evangelized those who may be baptized but not practicing, those in our neighborhoods who’ve never even heard the Christian Gospel proclaimed at all, or even those who are…

Roll the Stone Away!

Readings for April 6, 2015: Easter Sunday The serpent’s bite was a deadly one. The venom had worked its way deep into the heart of the entire human race, doing its gruesome work. The anti-venom was unavailable until He appeared….

Jesus I Trust In You

Today is Holy Saturday, a day of silence a day of waiting, a day of trusting. This is the day we remember how Christ trusted in the promise of God, His Father, following His will into death on the Cross,…

Love from a Cross

It is often said that God writes straight with crooked lines.  This is Lent, a time of conversion and if the Almighty has ever peered down and saw a more crooked line – it’s me, folks!  Fortunately, I’m in good…

The Eucharist: The Body of Christ?: Reflection for Holy Thursday

Readings for April 2, 2015: Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper On Holy Thursday, the night before he died, the Lord Jesus made some startling changes in the ritual of the Passover meal.  Instead of being content with the traditional…

Failure on the Faith Journey

I don’t know about you, but I am constantly confronted by my own failure on this journey of faith.  Sometimes it even feels like all of my efforts to holiness end in failure.  Looking back on my life, there are…

A Seeking Heart: The Eyes of Your Heart

Editor’s Note: A warm welcome to Allison Gingras as she joins our team of New Evangelizers bloggers! Although I’m not an adventurous person, I am on a quest; while maybe not necessarily for the Holy Grail, it is for something…

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: The Sunday with a Split Personality

Readings for March 29, 2015: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion We now come to the Sunday with a split personality.  It starts with an upbeat gospel recounting Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.  It is a festive affair, complete with…