A Very Special type of Mom

We can learn to better our Faith from Special Needs Mothers. How so? They believe without seeing. Let’s start with Mom’s in general. How important is a Mom? Is it any surprise that Jesus performed His first miracle based on…

A Hacked Epiphany

What was my welcome to 2017?  My website  was hacked the day before December 31! It was down for 5 days as I struggled with technology and an uninvited interloper who took ownership of my site. In the process of…

A Faith Checklist

It is the Season of Christ’s birth and the end of the year which means it is a season of checklists. Dad has one, the kids have their list, Mom has at least fours lists covering everybody from her own family…

Twin Faith

There is a fiber that runs through my life that I have recently noticed. Twins come in and it is no coincidence.  Every time twins come into my life God is directly impacting my life. He is telling me to…

Let the Dead bury the Dead

In a Luke 9:51-62 Jesus said these words in response to a person who wanted to bury their father first before following Jesus.  Talk about being put in your place by Jesus.  BAM!  To another who wanted to say goodbye…

Shabbat Dinner and this Catholic GUEST

As a young man I attended a Catholic high school for two years.  One of the best courses I ever had and still remember is Religions of the World.  We covered different religious beliefs and it gave me an appreciation…

Pane in the Glass

I was sitting in one of the churches I review on my blog a few months ago admiring the intricacy of the stain glass windows.  They are in 99.99% of our churches.  All are absolutely beautiful and add subtly but importantly to…

Catholics CAN learn from Scientific Faith

Last August (2015) an article was written in the Washington Post about the discovery of vessels which connect the brain to our immune system.  I recently read about this discovery two months ago on one of my feeds and it…

What we can learn from a Catholic Fictional Character – Captain Frank Furillo

The media is all around us and bombards us with messages constantly.  These days I find myself with not much time to watch TV so what I do watch has to have a point, has to expand my horizon in…

Easter Bankruptcy

Lent is over. Christ has risen. We can once again eat meat on Fridays. Whatever sacrifice we performed and/or refrained from for 40 days is done. It’s only been a few days but are you about to go bankrupt? Bankruptcy…

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