Solemnity of the Assumption

Readings for August 15th:  The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary  I once asked a college theology class if anyone could explain the doctrine of the Assumption.  A student replied, “yeah, that’s the teaching whereby the Catholic Church ‘assumes’ that Mary is…

Elijah’s Bread

Readings for Aug 9, 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B It’s hard enough to do the right thing.  But when you get blame for it instead of praise, it really takes the wind out of your sails, even if…

The Feast of the Transfiguration

Readings for The Feast of the Transfiguration One of the bible’s names for the God is “El Shaddai” or “God of the Mountains.”  And from the very beginning of salvation history, we see that mountains are a special place to…

You are what you eat

Readings for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time A few years back George Gallup conducted a poll called “Religion in America.”  He studied two groups of Americans, regular churchgoers from various Christian churches on the one hand, and totally unchurched…

Hidden meaning of the Loaves and Fish

Readings for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time  Finding the hidden meanings.   Unraveling mysteries.  Deciphering symbols.  The thrill inherent in all this is partly why Dan Brown’s book, the Da Vinci Code, sold so well. But Brown’s secret code, the…

Hungry Sheep, Weary Shepherds

Readings for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time Lots of perks come with being the boss, whether you are the boss of a church, company, or nation.  You get to call the shots, for starters.  Then there is good food,…

Just Do It!

Readings for July 12,  15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Everybody likes free gifts.  Advertisers know that a campaign will have much better results if there are free samples or a free gift with every purchase.  A friend of mine lived…

Miracles Jesus Couldn’t Do

Readings for July 5, 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Over the last two Sundays, the gospel of Mark has been making it abundantly clear that Jesus is indeed God Almighty, ruler of the world and lord over life and death….

A Revolutionary Approach to the Bible: Jairus’ daughter & The Enlightenment

Readings for June 28, 2015, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time  In the days when states were still “the colonies” and men wore powdered wigs, a new way of thinking captured the intelligentsia of the western world.  “The miracle stories in…

Let me Ask you a Question

Readings for June 21, 2015, Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Have you ever had a teacher who drones on and on?  Fact upon fact, argument upon argument.  The teacher’s mistake is that he or she is providing a long and…